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Symphony of Logic gates causes sound/game crash

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending

I know this is not a regular thing to build, but connecting the 2 ports of a NOT gate and then hooking it up to more NOT gates with max zoom in causes sound crash and a bit later game crash. I took this screenshot and a few moments later the sound bugged, then I deleted the logic gates(shift + X) and the game didn't crash, but sound isn't coming back. The point is - even a few logic elements crash the whole game, more precisely, the sound, which in turn crashes the game(at least that's my reading of the situation).

I'm focused on the sound since it starts cutting and disappears first.


Steps to Reproduce
Build a NOT gate and connect input to output => connect 6-7 more NOT gates => zoom in so sound is "3D" => sound and game start lagging => crash a few seconds later if you don't delete the logic elements. I'm afraid to try this in survival, as once completed, it might render your game unplayable.

User Feedback

I just tried turning off all sounds - it still crashes, so the problem either isn't caused only by the sound, or turning sound off doesn't solve it. Most probably it's just the fast switching that causes the crash, since those logic gates update ~10 times/second.

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