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Storage containers incorrectly prioritised

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Steam Pending

I noticed that when I had two storage containers, both with the same settings and priority, but one further away than the other, the dupes would sweep and bring all the stuff to the container that was furthest away, despite the priority being equal.

I suspect this had to do with the fact that that container was already in use, and that the dupes prefer to fill up containers before they start using another one.

However, I think this is counter intuitive. Suppose you have a half full algae container somewhere in your base, but you go out to mine more algae and construct a new oxygen generator and storage container next to your mining area. You would want the mined algae from that area to end up in the newly built container, because it's right next to the mining area, and not have the dupes run all the way to the "old" container just because it isn't full yet.

In short, I think distance should be the primary factor to determine what container is used (after priority of course), and not its fullness.

Steps to Reproduce
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