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Solid tiles forced into open doors become invisible and drop nothing when door is closed

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending

I've run into an issue where in trying to automatically harvest dirt (that's being heated from slime) on conveyor rails using doors (something I thought worked for harvesting falling sand or regolith tiles), the dirt is spawning in a stack above my tiles (when the one conveyor rail tile is full) invisible within the open doors and I can't get any resources out of it, even though it raises the items that should otherwise be sitting on the ground beneath the open doors. You can see a null zone in the oxygen overlay where a solid is supposed to be. 



I've monitored the piles of dirt within the doors and to the left of them and neither changes sizes upon deletion of a hidden tile.


The way this setup works for what it's worth:
->slime generated by morbs+pufts
-> sent to conveyor rail
-> rail passes through solid blocks until reaching a hot room with "thermal gates" or whatever smarter people call them that go: room to be heated - metal tiles -  door controlled by temp sensor - metal tiles - heat source
-> slime on rail converts to a small amount of dirt
-> if tile where conversion happens is already occupied, stack the dirt on top in the nearest "airspace"
-> repeat, hopefully digging up the dirt so it doesn't create an infinite stack into space

Steps to Reproduce
Have slime converting to dirt (probably has to be on a conveyor rail) be forced into a stack intersecting with open mechanical doors. Close the doors, receive nothing.

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