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Dupes will keep switching between ladder and firepole instead of moving up the ladder when suffocating.

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending

When a dupe begins to suffocate and thus needs to go up a level to breathe, they will switch between firepole and ladder instead of going up (when ladder and firepole are right next to each other). Obviously then the dupe cannot breathe and dies. This can be avoided by manually moving the dupe to anywhere.

Steps to Reproduce
1. Create a vertical shaft with ladder (longer the better) with firepole right next to it (same size) 2. Give a dupe a task in an atmosphere that is unbreathable (was CO2 in my case) 3. Wait for dupe to start suffocating Also, I had floors every 4-5 tiles on both sides of the ladder/firepole shaft, with bottom levels completely full of CO2.

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