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Strange Out Of Bounds Area

  • Version: PC/MAC/Linux Pending

I thought I was having some issues with map generation where an exit to a ruin didn't spawn after exploring the ant ruins in the poison jungle (I've since learned that one doesn't lead to another island, it just has the phermonstone) so I used c_GetWorld().minimap.MiniMap:ShowArea(0,0,0,10000) to reveal the map and find the missing island, but I saw a weird bit of pixilation in the upper left and zooming in there was a random collection of structures there. I saw there were pots, so I used c_gonext("smashingpot") to teleport there and I ended up with this: an out of bounds area with a few poops and a pile of rot with Wilba's text talking, displaying several lines about how her mother punished her for loosing the crown and asking for it. Based on the map icons It looks like a combination of several ruins rooms and my shanty. I can only interact with the rot and poop, none of the stuff shown on the map. What the hell is this Klei? If this is some kind of creepy easter egg for anyone cheating and teleporting out into the void all I can say is well played. If it's just where some interiors are stored on the map then there's a bit of an issue where rot and poop are spawning in that location for some reason which could be a memory leak, especially over time as more and more spawn in. I've tried re-spawning multiple Hamlet world and this spot exists in all of them.


Steps to Reproduce
Use c_gonext("smashingpot") (might take a couple try to get the right pots) to teleport out into the void where poop and rot entities are getting spawned for some reason. Or maybe you already know about this and it's an easter egg.

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