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Armor logic?

  • DLC VERSION - IMPORTANT!: Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet Pending

Here is a really annoying one.

We know armor stacks in Dont starve singleplayer, but sometimes, for example a football helmet (80% damage reduction ) and log suit (80%) damage reduction) used together:

If player takes 100 damage:

One armour will take the majority damage (80) and  the other one would take the remainder (100-80) * 0.8 = 16 damage.

(Those hardcore players call them primary and secondary armours)

But remember: There is no rule dictating if the helmet or the suit will always take the majority of damage.

Head/Body armor does not have priority over the other.

It is only determined by one factor: Which armour did you equip first.

Now this is not only confusing, but also quite annoying. It is extremely hard to keep track of.

I do not want to unequip and equip the armours right before I got into a fight.

I constantly think why is this logical and why can't we have the fair damage distribution mechanic as we have seen in DST.

(In the previous example with 2 armor with equally 80% damage reduction, both armors block 96 damage in total, then each armor takes 48 damage.)

Or suppose grass suit(60%)+ thulecite crown(90%) block 96 damage (Calculated from 100 damage hit):

The grass suit takes [ 0.6 / (0.6+0.9) ] * 96 = 38.4 damage.

and Thulecite crown gets [0.9 / (0.6+0.9) ] *96 = 57.6 damage.


And if Thulecite crown's shield is up when taking hit, It grants 100% damage reduction. 100 damage will be absorbed by both armors:

Grass suit takes [ 0.6 / (0.6+1.0) ] * 100 = 37.5 damage,

Thulecite crown gets [ 1.0 / (0.6+1.0) ] * 100 = 62.5 damage.

Crown shield  converts 5% of damage taken by the crown to sanity drain, so player gets (0.05 * 62.5 = 3.13 sanity penalty).


If we substitute the grass suit with Hamlet DLC's vortex cloak(100%damage reduction against non shadow mobs) :

Thulecite crown shield gets [ 1.0 / (1.0 +1.0) ] * 100 = 50 damage.

Vortex cloak gets [ 1.0 / (1.0 +1.0) ] * 100 = 50 damage.

Cloak converts 30% of damage it's taken to sanity drain, so player gets (0.3 * 50 = 15 sanity penalty).

Crown shield  converts 5% of damage taken by the crown to sanity drain, so player gets (0.05 * 50 = 2.5 sanity penalty).

That is 17.5 sanity penalty in total.


I really think this "primary and secondary armor" shananigan is a bug, or a flawed design at best.

Can we please fix this? Thanks:)



Steps to Reproduce

Wear both head and body armor, ideally with equal damage resistance,

get hit physically by anything, and see the damage are absorbed unevenly by both armours.

Getting sad and upset and writing this long and dreadful bug report with nerdy math calculations.

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