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Unable to pick up carrots using spacebar

William Afton
  • Pending

Since the year of the bunnyman, when the carrot is laying on the ground, pressing spacebar won't work, maybe something to do with the spin mechanic? I can normally pick up the carrot when planted, but after dropping it or it being dropped from bunnyman or any other source, i cannot.

Weirdly when the carrot is laying nearby, pressing spacebar won't pick up any of the other items, as if trying to pick up the carrot but failing to do so.

Don't exactly know what might be causing it, I've seen players being able to pick them up using spacebar and working as intended.

Using the mouse button to pick them up works fine for me, so it's only the spacebar thing, tried to reset the game controls but it still gets blocked.

Steps to Reproduce

Try to pick up the Carrot laying on the ground using spacebar.

Don't have any more info on this.

  • Big Ups 1

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