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Typing in text fields doesn't work

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Tried with both mods and no mods.

Clicking on any text field shows it focused, and has the blinking "I"-bar show up. I'm able to use backspace to delete the existing contents of the field.

When I try and type, I see the I-bar get solid, like it usually does when there's typing going on. However, no text actually shows up. The text isn't just invisible, since when I tab away from the field (like on the new world screen), I get complaints from the game that I have no entered a world name.

Nothing interesting is shown in the log file when this happens.


Steps to Reproduce

Clicking on any text field shows it focused, and has the blinking "I"-bar show up. I'm able to use backspace to delete the existing contents of the field.

When I try and type, I see the I-bar get solid, like it usually does when there's typing going on. However, no text actually shows up. The text isn't just invisible, since when I tab away from the field (like on the new world screen), I get complaints from the game that I have no entered a world name.

Nothing interesting is shown in the log file when this happens.

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