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The Stone wall glitch?

little dawg
  • Closed

This has not ever happened to me earlier, but today i was planning to make my G.Gekko farm and.. this happened. I rejoined the game and now the stone walls are kinda glitchy, i can walk trough them but it teleports me back, like some sort of bug. Can someone tell me why is this happenning?

The bug video: 


P.S. don't say stuff like "because you cheat lol", it's annoying and it won't make sense.

Steps to Reproduce
I played a normal world of DST, only with wildfires and disease set OFF. Also, because i dont like the annoying frogs, i typed this command in the command tab: for k,v in pairs(Ents) do if v.prefab == "frog" then v:Remove() end end This was aswell the only command i have done, nothing else. Could it be because of that?
  • Haha 1

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