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Server Crashed When Using Beefalo Grooming Station

  • Pending
[00:01:17]: Sim paused
[00:01:19]: Best lobby region is aws/EU (ping 200)
[00:01:19]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[00:01:22]: [Shard] Secondary shar Caves(3615244581) connected: [LAN]
[00:01:23]: [Shard] Secondary Caves(3615244581) ready!
[00:01:23]: World 3615244581 is now connected	
[00:01:23]: Validating portal[6] <-> 3615244581[6] (active)	
[00:01:23]: Validating portal[1] <-> 3615244581[1] (disabled)	
[00:01:23]: Validating portal[4] <-> 3615244581[4] (disabled)	
[00:01:23]: Validating portal[10] <-> 3615244581[10] (active)	
[00:01:23]: Validating portal[2] <-> 3615244581[2] (disabled)	
[00:01:23]: Validating portal[3] <-> 3615244581[3] (disabled)	
[00:01:23]: Validating portal[8] <-> 3615244581[8] (disabled)	
[00:01:23]: Validating portal[9] <-> 3615244581[9] (disabled)	
[00:01:23]: Validating portal[5] <-> 3615244581[5] (disabled)	
[00:01:23]: Validating portal[7] <-> 3615244581[7] (active)	
[00:01:29]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[00:01:57]: New incoming connection|63701 <6251355870774741723>
[00:01:57]: Client connected from|63701 <6251355870774741723>
[00:01:57]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_qCOtohjJ^DontStarveTogether^54uyBTfSfsgq+IjZf/O+TgcJV1lPafUsF4q7b2qtJNc= for <6251355870774741723>
[00:01:58]: Client authenticated: (KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony
[00:01:58]: [Steam] Authenticated host '76561198847497104'
[00:02:04]: There is no active event to validate against.
[00:02:04]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_qCOtohjJ)
[00:02:04]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[00:02:40]: Resuming user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MGOORSLEQJ/0000000067
[00:02:40]: Spawning player at: [Load] (-37.69, 0.00, -23.50)	
[00:02:40]: Sim unpaused
[00:02:40]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[00:02:42]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(ThePlayer.components.combat:SetAttackPeriod(0.1)) @(-32.47, -26.04)
[00:03:26]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198847497104'
[00:03:26]: [Shard] (KU_qCOtohjJ) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1)
[00:03:26]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[00:03:27]: Serializing user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MGOORSLEQJ/0000000069
[00:03:27]: Sim paused
[00:30:54]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:30:54]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[01:00:54]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[01:00:54]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[01:30:54]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[01:30:54]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[02:00:54]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[02:00:54]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[02:10:29]: New incoming connection|1490 <8819270291877030129>
[02:10:29]: Client connected from|1490 <8819270291877030129>
[02:10:29]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_sJttOm2j^DontStarveTogether^0ZzlgHZ0U3NVGGvdLti1MlaiKMAgmYzmoUefDQD4hxw= for <8819270291877030129>
[02:10:30]: Client authenticated: (KU_sJttOm2j) 变化的火车
[02:10:30]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198853156101'
[02:10:30]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198853156101'
[02:10:39]: There is no active event to validate against.
[02:10:39]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_sJttOm2j)
[02:10:45]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[02:10:58]: Resuming user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MP7NRM605D/0000000041
[02:10:58]: Spawning player at: [Load] (141.01, 0.00, -0.30)	
[02:10:58]: Sim unpaused
[02:10:58]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[02:11:00]: New time stamps for everyone at	1612507904	
[02:11:08]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[02:11:55]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198853156101'
[02:11:55]: [Shard] (KU_sJttOm2j) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1)
[02:11:55]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[02:11:55]: Serializing user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MP7NRM605D/0000000069
[02:11:55]: Sim paused
[02:30:54]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[02:30:54]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[03:00:54]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[03:00:54]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[03:30:55]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[03:30:55]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[04:00:55]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[04:00:55]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[04:30:55]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[04:30:55]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[05:00:55]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[05:00:55]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[05:30:55]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[05:30:55]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[06:00:55]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[06:00:55]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[06:30:55]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[06:30:55]: Received (KU_qCOtohjJ) from TokenPurpose
[06:44:38]: New incoming connection|61266 <5357922151048402782>
[06:44:38]: Client connected from|61266 <5357922151048402782>
[06:44:38]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_qCOtohjJ^DontStarveTogether^s2w/UR2mqvCZtdtVGKaec2HTBRhvGE8pU7RUFPabBU8= for <5357922151048402782>
[06:44:39]: Client authenticated: (KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony
[06:44:39]: [Steam] Authenticated host '76561198847497104'
[06:44:48]: There is no active event to validate against.
[06:44:48]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_qCOtohjJ)
[06:44:48]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[06:45:27]: Resuming user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MGOORSLEQJ/0000000069
[06:45:27]: Spawning player at: [Load] (-35.67, 0.00, -30.85)	
[06:45:27]: Sim unpaused
[06:45:27]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[06:45:31]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(ThePlayer.components.combat:SetAttackPeriod(0.1)) @(-36.50, -88.60)
[06:45:32]: New time stamps for everyone at	1612524376	
[06:45:32]: New time stamps for everyone at	1612524376	
[06:45:39]: New incoming connection|10725 <4647775191949825459>
[06:45:39]: Client connected from|10725 <4647775191949825459>
[06:45:39]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_0PX1vqJr^DontStarveTogether^roskYhiz6fzoE6gD2Y5MrQwbFIv33ZBKkwP65mqeeQ8= for <4647775191949825459>
[06:45:39]: Client authenticated: (KU_0PX1vqJr) Wezen
[06:45:39]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198929327197'
[06:45:39]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198929327197'
[06:45:47]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_qCOtohjJ') if player == nil then ThePlayer.components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") return end local p = player local b = p.components.builder local t = p.components.talker if p and b and t then t:Say(b.freebuildmode and "创造模式:Disabled" or "创造模式:Enabled") b:GiveAllRecipes() end) @(-23.61, -33.14)
[06:45:47]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_qCOtohjJ') if player == nil then ThePlayer.components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") return end local p = player local h = p.components.health local t = p.components.talker if p ~= nil then if p:HasTag("playerghost") then p:PushEvent("respawnfromghost") p.rezsource = "TMIP 控制台" else if h ~= nil then local godmode = h.invincible t:Say(godmode and "上帝模式:Disabled" or "上帝模式:Enabled") h:SetInvincible(not godmode) end end end) @(-24.27, -32.39)
[06:45:48]: There is no active event to validate against.
[06:45:48]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_0PX1vqJr)
[06:45:48]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[06:47:03]: Resuming user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7G1J10UEH7L
[06:48:10]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "autumn")) @(-42.62, -42.27)
[06:48:10]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[06:48:12]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_qCOtohjJ') if player == nil then ThePlayer.components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") return end local h = player.components.moisture if player and not player:HasTag("playerghost") and h then h:SetPercent(0) end) @(-28.99, -47.17)
[06:48:12]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_qCOtohjJ') if player == nil then ThePlayer.components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") return end local h = player.components.temperature if player and not player:HasTag("playerghost") and h then h:SetTemperature(25) end) @(-29.16, -46.72)
[06:48:57]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(c_despawn)_) @(-34.29, -51.08)
[06:48:57]: attempt to call a nil value
[06:49:02]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(c_despawn()) @(-34.29, -51.08)
[06:49:02]: Deleting user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MGOORSLEQJ/0000000069
[06:49:02]: Sim paused
[06:49:03]: Resuming user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MGOORSLEQJ/0000000069
[06:49:10]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[06:49:36]: Spawn request: winona from Wezen
[06:49:36]: Skin request: (wathgrithr_shadow) (body_waxwell_rose) (hand_waxwell_vampire) (legs_waxwell_victorian) ()
[06:49:36]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (-42.00, 0.00, -46.00)	
[06:49:36]: Serializing user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7G1J10UEH7L/0000000069
[06:49:36]: Sim unpaused
[06:49:45]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[06:50:11]: Spawn request: wilson from Tony
[06:50:11]: Skin request: () () () () ()
[06:50:11]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (-42.00, 0.00, -46.00)	
[06:50:11]: Serializing user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MGOORSLEQJ/0000000069
[06:50:13]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(ThePlayer.components.combat:SetAttackPeriod(0.1)) @(-82.24, -4.57)
[06:50:16]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_qCOtohjJ') if player == nil then ThePlayer.components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") return end local p = player local h = p.components.health local t = p.components.talker if p ~= nil then if p:HasTag("playerghost") then p:PushEvent("respawnfromghost") p.rezsource = "TMIP 控制台" else if h ~= nil then local godmode = h.invincible t:Say(godmode and "上帝模式:Disabled" or "上帝模式:Enabled") h:SetInvincible(not godmode) end end end) @(-48.81, -50.44)
[06:50:16]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_qCOtohjJ') if player == nil then ThePlayer.components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") return end local p = player local b = p.components.builder local t = p.components.talker if p and b and t then t:Say(b.freebuildmode and "创造模式:Disabled" or "创造模式:Enabled") b:GiveAllRecipes() end) @(-48.98, -50.22)
[06:50:19]: [(KU_0PX1vqJr) Wezen] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_0PX1vqJr') if player == nil then ThePlayer.components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") return end local p = player local b = p.components.builder local t = p.components.talker if p and b and t then t:Say(b.freebuildmode and "创造模式:Disabled" or "创造模式:Enabled") b:GiveAllRecipes() end) @(-15.17, -17.96)
[06:50:19]: [(KU_0PX1vqJr) Wezen] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_0PX1vqJr') if player == nil then ThePlayer.components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") return end local p = player local h = p.components.health local t = p.components.talker if p ~= nil then if p:HasTag("playerghost") then p:PushEvent("respawnfromghost") p.rezsource = "TMIP 控制台" else if h ~= nil then local godmode = h.invincible t:Say(godmode and "上帝模式:Disabled" or "上帝模式:Enabled") h:SetInvincible(not godmode) end end end) @(-16.02, -19.71)
[06:50:20]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[06:51:14]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(c_spawn("beefalo")) @(-33.36, -54.66)
[06:51:28]: LEAVE OVER	
[06:51:28]: CONTEST ENABLED	
[06:51:35]: LEAVE OVER	
[06:51:35]: CONTEST ENABLED	
[06:51:52]: [(KU_0PX1vqJr) Wezen] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_0PX1vqJr') if player == nil then UserToPlayer("KU_0PX1vqJr").components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") end local function onturnon(inst) if inst._stage == 3 then if inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("proximity_pre") or inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("proximity_loop") or inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("place3") then inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("proximity_pre") else inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("proximity_pre") end inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("proximity_loop", true) end end local function onturnoff(inst) if inst._stage == 3 then inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("proximity_pst") inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("idle3", false) end end if player ~= nil and player.Transform then	if "beefalo" == "klaus" then	local pos = player:GetPosition() local minplayers = math.huge local spawnx, spawnz FindWalkableOffset(pos,	math.random() * 2 * PI, 33, 16, true, true, function(pt) local count = #FindPlayersInRangeSq(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 625) if count < minplayers then minplayers = count spawnx, spawnz = pt.x, pt.z return count <= 0 end return false end) if spawnx == nil then local offset = FindWalkableOffset(pos, math.random() * 2 * PI, 3, 8, false, true) if offset ~= nil then spawnx, spawnz = pos.x + offset.x, pos.z + offset.z end end local klaus = SpawnPrefab("klaus") klaus.Transform:SetPosition(spawnx or pos.x, 0, spawnz or pos.z) klaus:SpawnDeer() klaus.components.knownlocations:RememberLocation("spawnpoint", pos, false) klaus.components.spawnfader:FadeIn() else local x,y,z = player.Transform:GetWorldPosition() for i = 1, 1 or 1 do local inst = SpawnPrefab("beefalo", "beefalo", nil, "KU_0PX1vqJr") if inst ~= nil and inst.components then	if inst.components.skinner ~= nil and IsRestrictedCharacter(inst.prefab) then inst.components.skinner:SetSkinMode("normal_skin") end if inst.components.inventoryitem ~= nil then if player.components and player.components.inventory then player.components.inventory:GiveItem(inst) end	else inst.Transform:SetPosition(x,y,z) if "beefalo" == "deciduoustree" then inst:StartMonster(true) end end if not inst.components.health then if inst.components.perishable then inst.components.perishable:SetPercent(1)	end	if inst.components.finiteuses then inst.components.finiteuses:SetPercent(1) end if inst.components.fueled then inst.components.fueled:SetPercent(1) end if inst.components.temperature then	inst.components.temperature:SetTemperature(25) end if 1 ~= 1 and inst.components.follower then inst.components.follower:SetLeader(player) end if "beefalo" == "moon_altar" then inst._stage =3 inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle3")	inst:AddComponent("prototyper") inst.components.prototyper.trees = TUNING.PROTOTYPER_TREES.MOON_ALTAR_FULL inst.components.prototyper.onturnon = onturnon inst.components.prototyper.onturnoff = onturnoff inst.components.lootdropper:SetLoot({ "moon_altar_idol", "moon_altar_glass", "moon_altar_seed" }) end	end	end end	end	end) @(-43.03, -56.61)
[06:52:00]: LEAVE OVER	
[06:52:00]: CONTEST ENABLED	
[06:52:01]: LEAVE OVER	
[06:52:01]: CONTEST ENABLED	
[06:52:11]: LEAVE OVER	
[06:52:11]: CONTEST ENABLED	
[06:52:13]: LEAVE OVER	
[06:52:13]: CONTEST ENABLED	
[06:52:22]: LEAVE OVER	
[06:52:22]: CONTEST ENABLED	
[06:52:23]: LEAVE OVER	
[06:52:23]: CONTEST ENABLED	
[06:52:28]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_nextphase")) @(-38.18, -47.48)
[06:52:28]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_nextphase")) @(-38.22, -47.48)
[06:52:29]: Available disk space for save files:                                                            15493 MB
[06:52:30]: Serializing user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7G1J10UEH7L/0000000069
[06:52:30]: Serializing user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MGOORSLEQJ/0000000069
[06:52:30]: Serializing world: session/BB08960671E8BB25/0000000069
[06:52:35]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[06:52:37]: LEAVE OVER	
[06:52:37]: CONTEST ENABLED	
[06:52:47]: [(KU_0PX1vqJr) Wezen] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_0PX1vqJr') if player == nil then UserToPlayer("KU_0PX1vqJr").components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") end local function onturnon(inst) if inst._stage == 3 then if inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("proximity_pre") or inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("proximity_loop") or inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("place3") then inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("proximity_pre") else inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("proximity_pre") end inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("proximity_loop", true) end end local function onturnoff(inst) if inst._stage == 3 then inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("proximity_pst") inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("idle3", false) end end if player ~= nil and player.Transform then	if "carrot" == "klaus" then	local pos = player:GetPosition() local minplayers = math.huge local spawnx, spawnz FindWalkableOffset(pos,	math.random() * 2 * PI, 33, 16, true, true, function(pt) local count = #FindPlayersInRangeSq(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 625) if count < minplayers then minplayers = count spawnx, spawnz = pt.x, pt.z return count <= 0 end return false end) if spawnx == nil then local offset = FindWalkableOffset(pos, math.random() * 2 * PI, 3, 8, false, true) if offset ~= nil then spawnx, spawnz = pos.x + offset.x, pos.z + offset.z end end local klaus = SpawnPrefab("klaus") klaus.Transform:SetPosition(spawnx or pos.x, 0, spawnz or pos.z) klaus:SpawnDeer() klaus.components.knownlocations:RememberLocation("spawnpoint", pos, false) klaus.components.spawnfader:FadeIn() else local x,y,z = player.Transform:GetWorldPosition() for i = 1, 10 or 1 do local inst = SpawnPrefab("carrot", "carrot", nil, "KU_0PX1vqJr") if inst ~= nil and inst.components then	if inst.components.skinner ~= nil and IsRestrictedCharacter(inst.prefab) then inst.components.skinner:SetSkinMode("normal_skin") end if inst.components.inventoryitem ~= nil then if player.components and player.components.inventory then player.components.inventory:GiveItem(inst) end	else inst.Transform:SetPosition(x,y,z) if "carrot" == "deciduoustree" then inst:StartMonster(true) end end if not inst.components.health then if inst.components.perishable then inst.components.perishable:SetPercent(1)	end	if inst.components.finiteuses then inst.components.finiteuses:SetPercent(1) end if inst.components.fueled then inst.components.fueled:SetPercent(1) end if inst.components.temperature then	inst.components.temperature:SetTemperature(25) end if 1 ~= 1 and inst.components.follower then inst.components.follower:SetLeader(player) end if "carrot" == "moon_altar" then inst._stage =3 inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle3")	inst:AddComponent("prototyper") inst.components.prototyper.trees = TUNING.PROTOTYPER_TREES.MOON_ALTAR_FULL inst.components.prototyper.onturnon = onturnon inst.components.prototyper.onturnoff = onturnoff inst.components.lootdropper:SetLoot({ "moon_altar_idol", "moon_altar_glass", "moon_altar_seed" }) end	end	end end	end	end) @(-30.78, -63.86)
[06:52:47]: [(KU_0PX1vqJr) Wezen] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_0PX1vqJr') if player == nil then UserToPlayer("KU_0PX1vqJr").components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") end local function onturnon(inst) if inst._stage == 3 then if inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("proximity_pre") or inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("proximity_loop") or inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("place3") then inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("proximity_pre") else inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("proximity_pre") end inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("proximity_loop", true) end end local function onturnoff(inst) if inst._stage == 3 then inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("proximity_pst") inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("idle3", false) end end if player ~= nil and player.Transform then	if "carrot" == "klaus" then	local pos = player:GetPosition() local minplayers = math.huge local spawnx, spawnz FindWalkableOffset(pos,	math.random() * 2 * PI, 33, 16, true, true, function(pt) local count = #FindPlayersInRangeSq(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 625) if count < minplayers then minplayers = count spawnx, spawnz = pt.x, pt.z return count <= 0 end return false end) if spawnx == nil then local offset = FindWalkableOffset(pos, math.random() * 2 * PI, 3, 8, false, true) if offset ~= nil then spawnx, spawnz = pos.x + offset.x, pos.z + offset.z end end local klaus = SpawnPrefab("klaus") klaus.Transform:SetPosition(spawnx or pos.x, 0, spawnz or pos.z) klaus:SpawnDeer() klaus.components.knownlocations:RememberLocation("spawnpoint", pos, false) klaus.components.spawnfader:FadeIn() else local x,y,z = player.Transform:GetWorldPosition() for i = 1, 10 or 1 do local inst = SpawnPrefab("carrot", "carrot", nil, "KU_0PX1vqJr") if inst ~= nil and inst.components then	if inst.components.skinner ~= nil and IsRestrictedCharacter(inst.prefab) then inst.components.skinner:SetSkinMode("normal_skin") end if inst.components.inventoryitem ~= nil then if player.components and player.components.inventory then player.components.inventory:GiveItem(inst) end	else inst.Transform:SetPosition(x,y,z) if "carrot" == "deciduoustree" then inst:StartMonster(true) end end if not inst.components.health then if inst.components.perishable then inst.components.perishable:SetPercent(1)	end	if inst.components.finiteuses then inst.components.finiteuses:SetPercent(1) end if inst.components.fueled then inst.components.fueled:SetPercent(1) end if inst.components.temperature then	inst.components.temperature:SetTemperature(25) end if 1 ~= 1 and inst.components.follower then inst.components.follower:SetLeader(player) end if "carrot" == "moon_altar" then inst._stage =3 inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle3")	inst:AddComponent("prototyper") inst.components.prototyper.trees = TUNING.PROTOTYPER_TREES.MOON_ALTAR_FULL inst.components.prototyper.onturnon = onturnon inst.components.prototyper.onturnoff = onturnoff inst.components.lootdropper:SetLoot({ "moon_altar_idol", "moon_altar_glass", "moon_altar_seed" }) end	end	end end	end	end) @(-30.78, -63.86)
[06:53:10]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_qCOtohjJ') if player == nil then UserToPlayer("KU_qCOtohjJ").components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") end local function InInv(b) local inv = b.components.inventoryitem return inv and inv.owner and true or false end local function CanDelete(inst) if inst and inst ~= TheWorld and not InInv(inst) and inst.Transform then if inst:HasTag("player") then if inst.userid == nil or inst.userid == "" then return true end else return true end end return false end if player and player.Transform then if player.components.burnable then player.components.burnable:Extinguish(true) end local x,y,z = player.Transform:GetWorldPosition() local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(x,y,z, 3) for _, obj in pairs(ents) do if CanDelete(obj) then if obj.components then if obj.components.burnable then obj.components.burnable:Extinguish(true) end if obj.components.firefx then if obj.components.firefx.extinguishsoundtest then obj.components.firefx.extinguishsoundtest = function() return true end end obj.components.firefx:Extinguish() end end if (not (obj.prefab == "minerhatlight" or "lanternlight" or "yellowamuletlight" or "slurperlight" or "redlanternlight" or "lighterfire" or "torchfire" or "torchfire_rag" or "torchfire_spooky" or "torchfire_shadow")) or (obj.entity:GetParent() == nil) then obj:Remove() print(obj.prefab) end end end end) @(-33.26, -60.41)
[06:53:10]: yotc_carrat_race_checkpoint_item	
[06:53:10]: yotc_carrat_race_finish_item	
[06:53:14]: Could not find anim [buck] in bank [wilson]
[06:53:30]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_forceprecipitation", false)) @(-21.42, -56.94)
[06:54:03]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_qCOtohjJ') if player == nil then ThePlayer.components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") return end local p = player local c = p.components.combat or nil local t = p.components.talker if p and c and t and c.CalcDamage then if c.OldCalcDamage then p.components.talker:Say("一击必杀模式:Disabled") c.CalcDamage = c.OldCalcDamage c.OldCalcDamage = nil else p.components.talker:Say("一击必杀模式:Enabled") c.OldCalcDamage = c.CalcDamage c.CalcDamage = function(...) return 9999999999*9 end end end) @(-31.07, -59.46)
[06:54:07]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_qCOtohjJ') if player == nil then ThePlayer.components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") return end local p = player local c = p.components.combat or nil local t = p.components.talker if p and c and t and c.CalcDamage then if c.OldCalcDamage then p.components.talker:Say("一击必杀模式:Disabled") c.CalcDamage = c.OldCalcDamage c.OldCalcDamage = nil else p.components.talker:Say("一击必杀模式:Enabled") c.OldCalcDamage = c.CalcDamage c.CalcDamage = function(...) return 9999999999*9 end end end) @(-28.34, -56.86)
[06:54:09]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(c_spawn("beefalo")) @(-29.48, -60.17)
[06:54:10]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(c_spawn("beefalo")) @(-29.48, -60.17)
[06:55:01]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_qCOtohjJ') if player == nil then UserToPlayer("KU_qCOtohjJ").components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") end local function onturnon(inst) if inst._stage == 3 then if inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("proximity_pre") or inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("proximity_loop") or inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("place3") then inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("proximity_pre") else inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("proximity_pre") end inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("proximity_loop", true) end end local function onturnoff(inst) if inst._stage == 3 then inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("proximity_pst") inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("idle3", false) end end if player ~= nil and player.Transform then	if "wormlight" == "klaus" then	local pos = player:GetPosition() local minplayers = math.huge local spawnx, spawnz FindWalkableOffset(pos,	math.random() * 2 * PI, 33, 16, true, true, function(pt) local count = #FindPlayersInRangeSq(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 625) if count < minplayers then minplayers = count spawnx, spawnz = pt.x, pt.z return count <= 0 end return false end) if spawnx == nil then local offset = FindWalkableOffset(pos, math.random() * 2 * PI, 3, 8, false, true) if offset ~= nil then spawnx, spawnz = pos.x + offset.x, pos.z + offset.z end end local klaus = SpawnPrefab("klaus") klaus.Transform:SetPosition(spawnx or pos.x, 0, spawnz or pos.z) klaus:SpawnDeer() klaus.components.knownlocations:RememberLocation("spawnpoint", pos, false) klaus.components.spawnfader:FadeIn() else local x,y,z = player.Transform:GetWorldPosition() for i = 1, 10 or 1 do local inst = SpawnPrefab("wormlight", "wormlight", nil, "KU_qCOtohjJ") if inst ~= nil and inst.components then	if inst.components.skinner ~= nil and IsRestrictedCharacter(inst.prefab) then inst.components.skinner:SetSkinMode("normal_skin") end if inst.components.inventoryitem ~= nil then if player.components and player.components.inventory then player.components.inventory:GiveItem(inst) end	else inst.Transform:SetPosition(x,y,z) if "wormlight" == "deciduoustree" then inst:StartMonster(true) end end if not inst.components.health then if inst.components.perishable then inst.components.perishable:SetPercent(1)	end	if inst.components.finiteuses then inst.components.finiteuses:SetPercent(1) end if inst.components.fueled then inst.components.fueled:SetPercent(1) end if inst.components.temperature then	inst.components.temperature:SetTemperature(0) end if 1 ~= 1 and inst.components.follower then inst.components.follower:SetLeader(player) end if "wormlight" == "moon_altar" then inst._stage =3 inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle3")	inst:AddComponent("prototyper") inst.components.prototyper.trees = TUNING.PROTOTYPER_TREES.MOON_ALTAR_FULL inst.components.prototyper.onturnon = onturnon inst.components.prototyper.onturnoff = onturnoff inst.components.lootdropper:SetLoot({ "moon_altar_idol", "moon_altar_glass", "moon_altar_seed" }) end	end	end end	end	end) @(-27.74, -52.07)
[06:57:31]: [(KU_qCOtohjJ) Tony] ReceiveRemoteExecute(local player = UserToPlayer('KU_qCOtohjJ') if player == nil then UserToPlayer("KU_qCOtohjJ").components.talker:Say("该玩家与你不在同一世界!命令无法生效。") end local function InInv(b) local inv = b.components.inventoryitem return inv and inv.owner and true or false end local function CanDelete(inst) if inst and inst ~= TheWorld and not InInv(inst) and inst.Transform then if inst:HasTag("player") then if inst.userid == nil or inst.userid == "" then return true end else return true end end return false end if player and player.Transform then if player.components.burnable then player.components.burnable:Extinguish(true) end local x,y,z = player.Transform:GetWorldPosition() local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(x,y,z, 3) for _, obj in pairs(ents) do if CanDelete(obj) then if obj.components then if obj.components.burnable then obj.components.burnable:Extinguish(true) end if obj.components.firefx then if obj.components.firefx.extinguishsoundtest then obj.components.firefx.extinguishsoundtest = function() return true end end obj.components.firefx:Extinguish() end end if (not (obj.prefab == "minerhatlight" or "lanternlight" or "yellowamuletlight" or "slurperlight" or "redlanternlight" or "lighterfire" or "torchfire" or "torchfire_rag" or "torchfire_spooky" or "torchfire_shadow")) or (obj.entity:GetParent() == nil) then obj:Remove() print(obj.prefab) end end end end) @(-36.86, -56.18)
[06:57:31]: yotb_stage	
[06:58:03]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198847497104'
[06:58:03]: [Shard] (KU_qCOtohjJ) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1)
[06:58:04]: Serializing user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MGOORSLEQJ/0000000070
[06:58:04]: [string "scripts/components/groomer.lua"]:51: attempt to index local 'data' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
scripts/components/groomer.lua:51 in (local) fn (Lua) <50-55>
   doer = 119729 - wilson (valid:true)
   data = nil
scripts/entityscript.lua:1040 in (method) PushEvent (Lua) <1027-1054>
   self (valid:true) =
      DynamicShadow = DynamicShadow (0x1a510b10)
      inlimbo = false
      GetMoistureRateScale = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:197
      SetCameraDistance = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1091
      ScreenFlash = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1153
      player_classified = 119730 - player_classified (valid:true)
      playercolour = table: 0x1fd90498
      AnimState = AnimState (0x235c8c28)
      Light = Light (0x2557a988)
      _isrezattuned = false
      OnRemoveEntity = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:724
      pendingtasks = table: 0x1fb2e2e0
      ShowHUD = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1079
      sg = sg="wilson", state="openwardrobe", time=5.63, tags = "inwardrobe,pausepredict,busy,"
      IsHUDVisible = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1069
      ApplyScale = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1168
      SetGhostMode = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:637
      ShowActions = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1073
      OnWakeUp = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:933
      Transform = Transform (0x235be178)
      actionreplica = table: 0x21f9fb50
      event_listening = table: 0x1e74eec8
      actioncomponents = table: 0x23406ef0
      lower_components_shadow = table: 0x236bcd60
      GetMaxMoisture = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:187
      CanUseTouchStone = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:137
      updatecomponents = table: 0x18de46b8
      YOTB_issetunlocked = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:28
      ShakeCamera = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1111
      OnDespawn = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:955
      Physics = Physics (0x2205b600)
      MiniMapEntity = MiniMapEntity (0x225094b0)
      IsFreezing = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:157
      replica = table: 0x25529990
      GetTemperature = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:147
      GUID = 119729
      ghostenabled = true
      EnableMovementPrediction = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:581
      worldstatewatching = table: 0x187cbf60
      SetCameraZoomed = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1097
      Network = Network (0x255c5ac0)
      GetMoisture = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:177
      OnPreLoad = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:809
      GetSandstormLevel = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:207
      inherentactions = table: 0x1b9ed9a0
      spawntime = 355.13335185498
      ShowPopUp = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1085
      SnapCamera = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1103
      event_listeners = table: 0x1ff33470
      killtask = PERIODIC 119729: 3.000000
      name = Tony
      prefab = wilson
      SaveForReroll = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1201
      ScreenFade = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1144
      OnSleepIn = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:905
      OnLoad = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:819
      OnSave = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:774
      LoadForReroll = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1213
      entity = Entity (0x17ce8518)
      YOTB_isskinunlocked = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:35
      children = table: 0x1f08ed58
      IsCarefulWalking = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:211
      IsOverheating = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:167
      AttachClassified = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:713
      isplayer = true
      IsActionsVisible = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1063
      _sharksoundparam = net_float (0x25a86200)
[06:58:04]: [string "scripts/components/groomer.lua"]:51: attempt to index local 'data' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
    scripts/components/groomer.lua:51 in (local) fn (Lua) <50-55>
    scripts/entityscript.lua:1040 in (method) PushEvent (Lua) <1027-1054>
    scripts/entityscript.lua:1353 in (method) Remove (Lua) <1346-1397>
    scripts/components/playerspawner.lua:92 in (field) fn (Lua) <79-99>
    scripts/scheduler.lua:177 in (method) OnTick (Lua) <155-207>
    scripts/scheduler.lua:371 in (global) RunScheduler (Lua) <369-377>
    scripts/update.lua:185 in () ? (Lua) <164-243>
[06:58:04]: Warning: Widget:SetFocusFromChild is happening on a widget outside of the screen/widget hierachy. This will cause focus moves to fail. Is 	ScriptErrorWidget	not a screen?	
[06:58:04]: stack traceback:
	scripts/widgets/widget.lua:605 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627>
	scripts/widgets/widget.lua:624 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627>
	scripts/widgets/widget.lua:624 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627>
	scripts/widgets/widget.lua:656 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <629-665>
	scripts/widgets/menu.lua:83 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <74-85>
	scripts/widgets/scripterrorwidget.lua:109 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <102-119>
	scripts/update.lua:95 in () ? (Lua) <33-134>	
[06:58:04]: Serializing user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MGOORSLEQJ/0000000070
[06:58:04]: Serializing user: session/BB08960671E8BB25/A7MGOORSLEQJ/0000000070


Steps to Reproduce


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