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[Re-Report]Grass gator doesn't increase its diving range properly

  • Fixed
-- In line 366 ~ 370 of stategraph/SGgrassgator.lua
if not inst.searchrange then 
    inst.searchrange = 15 + (math.random()*5)
inst.surfacelocation = inst.findnewshallowlocation(inst, inst.searchrange)
inst.searchrange = inst.searchrange + 8

-- In line 115 ~ 119 of prefabs/grassgator.lua
if not range then 
    range = 25 + (math.random()*5)
inst.surfacelocation = nil
local range = 25 + (math.random()*5)

From the stategraph the range is supposed to increase by 8 each time. However in line 119 of its prefab file, it's set to a random value from 25 ~ 30, thus never increase.

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User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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