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Moon phase stuck at new moon

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ever since killing celestial champion a second time around day 620, my world's moon cycle has been messed up. I wanted to get full moons back to odd multiples of 11s days, so I got phase 3 of celestial champion down to 500hp on like day 620 or something, waited for dawn on day 621, and then killed it within the first clock segment. Ever since then the moon cycles have felt weird, but I only started tracking it on day 725. It went like this:

725: waxing
726: full
727/728/729: waning
730/731/732: half
733/734/735: quarter
736: new
737/738/739: quarter
740 - 749: half
750/751/752: waxing
753: full
754/755/756: waning
at this point I stopped paying as much attention, but around day 760, it became a new moon, and it has been a new moon every night until present, which is 788.

I am playing with caves, going in and out here and there to get lightbulbs, and using rollbacks generously when I do something stupid, or fail a bossfight. I rolled back during my first celestial champion fight in the 490s like 25 times or something, and during my 620 CC fight maybe 4 or 5 times, and I've rolled back many other times as well thruout my playtime.
I am playing offline in a solo world, and I have several mods installed all of which have been installed since before my 2nd CC fight.

Oh, also at some point in summer of year 11 (probably around day 760?), I used the celestial portal to switch characters for a couple days, from Wendy, to Winona, and back to Wendy a few days later.


Steps to Reproduce

-use rollbacks
-kill celestial champion very early on a new day
-use celestial portal to switch characters

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