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Lunar rifts force dangerous hunts regardless if the Possessed Varg was defeated or not

  • Fixed

This doesn't mean that the hunt will be forced to be a Varg, this is only the case if the Possessed Varg doesn't count as defeated at the time and if the lunar rift is still open.

Part of the issue lies in that this check from StartDirt():

if IsLunarPortalActive() then
    hunt.monster_track_num = 0

Lacks the HasDefeatedThisMutation() check that GetHuntedBeast() has:

local needs_mutated_warg = TheWorld.components.lunarriftmutationsmanager ~= nil and not TheWorld.components.lunarriftmutationsmanager:HasDefeatedThisMutation("mutatedwarg")
    if needs_mutated_warg and IsLunarPortalActive() then

Changing this to include the check would result in only having a forced Varg if defeating the possessed Varg would result in progress for the quest or a reward post-completion of said quest, and otherwise the system works as usual otherwise, allowing non-dangerous hunts with Koalefant to spawn.

That said, wouldn't it make more sense to determine things at the start and use that as the result? There are some weird cases with Clay Vargs and Lightning Volt Goats mismatching the tracks due to them being checked on the moment the final track is investigated. There were no differences before so it was fine, but now it can result in a dangerous path leading to a Volt Goat, or a non-dangerous path leading to a Clay Varg, and so.

Also, something related that I found to be weird but, wouldn't it make more sense if the requirement for a Brightshade Gestalt to possess a boss was that the rift is on the third stage (the specific stage on which Brightshade Gestalts start to spawn in the first place) and not the lunar rift existing at all?

There are some cases for both lunar and void rifts where their "active" checks work on all stages, when maybe some of them should check what stage the rift is currently at? It can be odd due to the player having no way to know they're active, and supposedly not causing chaos yet.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Kill the Possessed Varg (and make sure afterwards to be in a state where killing it again wouldn't result in gaining an Ark Spark).
  2. Look for dirt piles afterwards while the lunar rift is active. Notice how they're all dangerous paths, and there's claw marks from the moment you find the first dirt pile.
  3. Notice that on fully tracking some of them, it may result in an Ewecus instead (and as mentioned, it's impossible to get a non-dangerous path).

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

The end path being a clay or goat was intended for high priority due to the limited factors of their spawning the presentation could be improved and will be taken as feedback.

Changed Status to Fixed

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That was quick, nice, thank you!

Also yeah I did read the comment in the code about those being high priority due to their requirements and I totally get it, I just wanted to point out that it does feel weird compared to before due to the new hunt features (which I should note are very nice and I was really happy to see hunts getting some needed love!).

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