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Last minute touch stone fail (leading to world reset)

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So, a pretty simple, yet pretty saddening issue. If you happen to haunt a touch stone when you only have a few seconds before the world resets, the world will remove you from the game and reset in the middle of the haunting/resurrection animation. While I'm sure it's not an issue which happens quite frequently, but I was unlucky enough to had found and tried to use a touch stone just a little too late, despite already in the process of being resurrected. It seems like it'd make more sense for the game to recognize that you're actively being resurrected and therefore cancel the reset, as the player is no longer dead.

Steps to Reproduce

Simply have roughly 3-5 seconds or less on the reset timer caused by everyone being a ghost, and try to use a touch stone (I had probably a second or two when I first haunted it). You will start the resurrection animation, but the timer will still go on and the game will force you into a loading screen, and proceed with resetting the world.

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