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lack of return statement after removing entity in moon_device.lua

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local function meteor_invitem_behaviour(inst, v)
    local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()

    if v.components.container ~= nil then
        -- Spill backpack contents, but don't destroy backpack
        if math.random() <= TUNING.METEOR_SMASH_INVITEM_CHANCE then
    elseif v.components.mine ~= nil and not v.components.mine.inactive then
        -- Always smash things on the periphery so that we don't end up with a ring of flung loot
    elseif math.random() <= TUNING.METEOR_SMASH_INVITEM_CHANCE and not v:HasTag("irreplaceable") then
        -- Always smash things on the periphery so that we don't end up with a ring of flung loot
        local vx, vy, vz = v.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
        SpawnPrefab("ground_chunks_breaking").Transform:SetPosition(vx, 0, vz)
        -- HERE, shouldn't we be stopping the function from progressing any further?

    if not v.components.inventoryitem.nobounce then
        Launch(v, inst, TUNING.LAUNCH_SPEED_SMALL)
    elseif v.Physics ~= nil and v.Physics:IsActive() then
        local vx, vy, vz = v.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
        local dx, dz = vx - x, vz - z
        local spd = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz)
        local angle = (spd > 0 and math.atan2(dz / spd, dx / spd) + (math.random() * 20 - 10) * DEGREES)
            or math.random() * 2 * PI
        spd = 3 + math.random() * 1.5
        v.Physics:Teleport(vx, 0, vz)
        v.Physics:SetVel(math.cos(angle) * spd, 0, math.sin(angle) * spd)
    v.components.inventoryitem:SetLanded(false, true)

Not sure if this can cause a crash or not as I haven't tested it, but it's obviously not good to continue working with an invalid entity.

Steps to Reproduce

Drop items around/on top of the lunar siphonator before completing it, and then complete it. Items that get destroyed by the ClearArea call will be the ones affected by this.

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