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Killing one of the "Twins of Terror" bosses at the end of the night

  • Fixed

If one of the "Twins of Terror" eyes are killed whilst the game transitions from night to day; the following night BOTH eyes spawn despite having killed and received the loot for the eye from the previous night. This is a bit of a glitch but not the end of the world.... however, the day that follows the terrarium object appears empty and the boss does not resume on the following night.

We've had this issue several times so I thought I'd raise it.

Steps to Reproduce

Night 1 - Summon eyes
Night 2 - Finish off the red eye during the transition to day and get loot
Night 3 - BOTH eyes spawn in
Day/Night 4 - The terrarium object is empty and the eyes cannot spawn in.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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