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houndwarning_lvl4 not found?

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hello, this is my first time posting here and I hope this is the right place to ask this question. I was trying to open my server to play with my friends today but it kept closing my game. I searched up on how to fix the issue and I disabled the mods used in the server and tried opening again and got this warning (image attached)

I should also mention this; a few days ago when we were playing, I was curious about the c_doscenario(scenario) command so I tried out c_doscenario("houndwarning_lvl4")

nothing happened so I did not think much of it and just continued playing with my friends. This command I did might have affected the server.

None of us are sure how to fix this issue so I hope someone can help. cheers!


Steps to Reproduce

not sure how this goes but I'm guessing it is like this:

1. I did the command c_doscenario("houndwarning_lvl4") in my modded server

2. close the game

3. the issue pops up a few days later when I try to open the server again

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