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Gura and Ina's mod missing

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Dedicated server mod in Windows cannot load the mod of Gura and Ina (while Kiara, Calli and Watson works well)
At first I thought it was my pc's problem or the mod's problem. However, it seems that the mod works normally except in Windows dedicated server. The mod creator said that  "The mod folders of the files are missing. My dedicated server will also detect them as unknown mods too."
The mods ran successfully in dedicated server before the recent frequent updates of DST. But after the updates the mods are gone.

Creating the server in the game can run the mods fluently while in dedicated server the mods disappeared.
Here are the two mods:



Steps to Reproduce

Create a new server (named as server_A) in game (with Ina and Gura mods applied).

Disconnect then copy the mod file (named as modoverrides.lua) in 
Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether\ ( some id here) \Cluster_1\Master

Create another server (named as server_B) with no mods applied
Disconnect and then rename Cluster_2 as ServerB

Drag the ServerB folder to Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether
then replace the mod file (also named as modoverrides.lua but not the same as previous one)  in 
as modoverrides.lua (the mod file of server_A)

Get token in Klei website, copy token in cluster_token, then create bat file, then run the bat file.

Then I found gura and ina's mod disappeared.

modoverrides.lua server_log.txt runserver.bat

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