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Footprints following varg suspicious dirt pile disappear when unloaded.

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When you get a hunt with a tooth in it, it will usually have tracks following it. Sometimes I notice varg hunts without these tracks following them, usually in spots where I've recently noticed the same hunt but with tracks. I'm attaching screenshots to show the difference.

I have noticed this happening when I unload the suspicious dirt pile and reload it. When I tested this, I saw the footprints fading away when I got back.

With footprints (before unloading):


Without footprints (after unloading):


Steps to Reproduce

Find a varg hunt (which you can get during a rift when you haven't killed a possessed varg in the current cycle yet)

Notice it has footprints following it.

Unload it by running far away.

Come back.

Notice the footprints are either fading away or have completely disappeared.

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