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[FIXED]Product spawned but skip positioning if picker is something else

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if picker is something without inventory component, the product will be spawned but skip the code for location, so it's at (0,0,0).

And this issue has actually happened a lot, for example when alterguardian_laser( or antlion_sinkhole) hit the reeds.

Here's the relative code: (I think the code can be better if picker is TheWorld and the follow-up code to manually spawn the products is unnecessary . Oops there are already a large amount of duplicate codes in other files)

        elseif collapsible_entity.components.pickable ~= nil
                and collapsible_entity.components.pickable:CanBePicked()
                and not collapsible_entity:HasTag("intense") then

            local num = collapsible_entity.components.pickable.numtoharvest or 1
            local product = collapsible_entity.components.pickable.product

            collapsible_entity.components.pickable:Pick(inst) -- only calling this to trigger callbacks on the object

            if product ~= nil and num > 0 then
                local ce_x, ce_y, ce_z = collapsible_entity.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
                for i = 1, num do
                    SpawnPrefab(product).Transform:SetPosition(ce_x, 0, ce_z)

Here's a part of Pickable:Pick

                    loot = SpawnPrefab(self.product)
                    if loot ~= nil then
                        if loot.components.inventoryitem ~= nil then
                        if self.numtoharvest > 1 and loot.components.stackable ~= nil then
                        if inventorypicker then
                            picker:PushEvent("picksomething", { object = self.inst, loot = loot })
                            picker.components.inventory:GiveItem(loot, nil, pt)
                        elseif worldpicker then

And Here's the video to reproduce that:


Steps to Reproduce

follow the video' steps

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