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Fence Re-Orientated After Placing

  • Fixed

My fences seem to have re-oriented themselves. I placed them while facing SE and they worked fine for a while, but about 15 days later (in-game) I came back and each of the ones facing SE had turned themselves 90 degrees. All the ones perpendicular were unchanged, so basically all of my fences now face the same direction. This affected my entire base. 1642847661_dstfencebug.thumb.jpg.b73876616d85c226aac14322c8d43cf8.jpg

Steps to Reproduce

I don't know what caused it. The change happened in the last 5 days, as that is when I had last seen them. During that time, did some ocean exploring and killed Malbatross - I relogged a few times during this period. Something that may be worth noting is that Deerclops likely would have spawned had I been on land and, when I got back to base and relogged to try to fix the issue, she immediately began her 1 minute warning phase.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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