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Fed beefalo refuse to ride while aggroing.

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I read the patch note and saw that there's no fix about beefalo not ridable when it aggro on something else. This bug is a little hard to notice but I'm a beef tame spammer so I see it right out of the gate. Before the big drama patch beefalo if fed and obedience is high enough it will let you ride it even when it's attacking something on its own, the only time where you can't ride it is obedience too low and that's really the only time where a beefalo can get killed because you can't feed it while it's aggroing but you can still ride it if you already fed it enough so your beefalo only can die if it aggro strong enemy and you cant feed it to raise obedience to ride it that's how the beefalo used to die. If a bearger hit a beefalo obedience below 50% that beefalo is as good as dead because it will keep fighting the bearger until it die and not letting u ride because it's below 50% obedience, so the lesson is always make sure your beefalo obedience is always above 50% when doing dangerous stuff because if u climb or get bucked down and it charges off to its enemy you can't ride your tamed beefalo away and it die. After this patch however the beefalo can't be ride even when it's obedience is above 50% and this matters so much because now your beefalo will always die as soon as it aggro on something stronger than itself and you don't ride the beef 24/7 so say a 100% tamed and obedience beefalo is ready to get ride, then it get stunged by 1 killer bee. BAM the freaking beef fights till it dies regardless of how much you fed it. Why does the difference matters, because previously your beef can die to hostiles if it get caught aggroing and been starving or neglected because you can't feed it stuff when it aggro. This time however even if you take good care of it, all it takes is 1 sting from a killer bee on a fully tamed and 100% obedience beefalo that is not ride will spell an end to at least 20 days of your work to tame a beefalo. Which makes getting a beefalo so irrelevant. Again I checked the patch notes and nothing about the beef showed up so I reckon this is a bug caused by changing patch contents so I would really appreciate some fix so my fully tamed 100% obedience beefalo which cost 20 days or more and countless twigs to obtain don't die from a single bee sting when I don't ride it.



as you can see here it said i'll wait for it to calm down despite it's obedience is 99% which previously was ridable. Even fully domesticated beefalo does this, you climb down from a tamed and full obedience beefalo then it get stung from 1 killer bee and it's as good as dead. I can bear the fact that you can't feed it to raise obedience to ride it out of danger because that punish neglecting from players but now even tending players will easily lose their beefalo just with 1 stung from a bee when it's not riden sounds a bit too brutal. And don't spawn a beefalo, console spawned beefalo don't have this bug, only beefalo already in the world will have the bug and matured beefalo(beefalo that got birth and grow up) also have this bug.

Steps to Reproduce

get any beefalo in the world not spawning from commands console. bell it, feed it to 100% obedience then saddle it. Spawn any hostile thing and make the beef aggro it and try to climb the beefalo when it aggro on the hostile spawn, it will refuse to let you ride it even if it's fully domesticated and 100% obedience. Please fix xP ty for reading

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