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Dragonfly stuck on sea while going to Magma

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Dragonfly moves in a straight line while going to Magma (to produce Lavaes). If there is a sea coast on her way, then she stops and does nothing: she doesn't tries to find a different way and she doesn't even fight while beeing under attack ; she just frozes in one place trying to move in a direction she can't move.

p.s. The similar thing happened, when Lavaes want to reach Willson and find a sea cost on their way. However for Lavaes maybe this is not a bug, but an intentional dummy algorithm of moving, with all his strange consequences. The same strategy for Dragonfly should be clearly notified as a bug.

Steps to Reproduce
1. Find a map, with a pattern in a straight line: X --- /sea coast\ --- Magma. 2. Fight with dragonfly at a point X. 3. Dragonfly will stuck on a sea coast while trying to move to Magma. 4. Now you can kill her and she will do nothing.

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