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Dedicated Server Failed to Start, (PC - Steam)

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A two weeks ago, I became unable to access my old "saved games" /servers.  However I was still able to access servers I recently created. This changed as now I am unable to access ANY server, including ones I create, quit, and re-enter moments later. 

Several years ago, I used to work in Quality Assurance in the Game Industry, so I've decided to investigate and poke at the issue a bit to see if I could get more information, and perhaps resolve my issue. A few things I've discovered: 

It's happening on both of the computers I have in my household. One is a Windows 10 install, another is a Windows 11 install. Completely different components (DxDiag), different anti virus, different settings, different steam accounts. I disabled all mods, uninstalled and reinstalled, created a new server without mods, issue presented within 20 minutes. The issue seems to be accelerating as less time is necessary with each repetition to get it to happen. 

I went through all of the "repair steps" from forum repair postings:

https://support.klei.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407489414548-Getting-a-Dedicated-Server-Failed-To-Start-Error-Message#:~:text=If you are encountering this,Together\bin64\dontstarve_steam_x64.exe

and then


To give a quick summary of the above that I have tried: 

1. I added all the file locations to my anti-virus exceptions

2. I checked for Randsomware to see if would be blocking. 

3. I removed all my mods. 


4. I made sure steam and the app were running in admin mode. 

5. I made sure there were no invasive third party software. 

6. I uninstalled and reinstalled. (which caused the issue to occur right away instead of having to wait)

Now let's discuss the final option, which... actually did work. 

7. Added the "-persistent_storage_root c:\DontStarveTogether  " to my advanced launch options.


I was able to copy some of my files over to this new file on my C: drive, and the old servers also work and launch from the new folder once copied over. This IS a... kind of solution. However, not a permanent one. Considering what I had to go through to get here, also not a great one. Would still look into the issue. 

But that means this issue completely revolves around a setting which was changed with the "My Documents" folder, which I did not change myself. The servers loaded fine one day, and did not the next. 


Uploaded files explanation: 

the "server_log_worked.txt" is from  few years ago when it was working just fine on my machine, so it can be compared to "server_log_didntwork.txt" where the same exact server was attempted to be opened. That particular server has not been touched in about a year.  I will attempt to add the client_log from the second computer as well. 


server_log_didntwork.txt server_log_worked.txt client_log.txt DxDiag.txt

Steps to Reproduce

I'm not sure what caused the "My Documents" folder to reject servers being loaded after 24 hours and the game restarting. Still testing to see if I can narrow down why. 

User Feedback

I am having the same issue. I cannot load any old servers. I can create a new one and load it right after, but it won't load the next day.

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I am having the same issue, as seen the link at the bottom.  However, this only affects me when I start the games locally to host for people.  If I use "steam_cmd" and run my servers from the dedicated server, the games work.  The game is not handling the server start process correctly.  I've converted the games to cloud saves, no mods, etc etc with no different results.  I'm going to look at your persistent root forced option and see if that has an effect.  I know I supply this option when I run these games in dedicated server mode, but not when I just use the standard hosting of the world.

If I start a new world, it works.  If I hit save and try and reload it, it will not work.  Hopefully these issues are investigated.


Edited by hasues

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