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Dangerous hunt spawns Ewecus

  • Closed

As the title suggests, dangerous hunt sometimes spawn an Ewecus sleeping around some meat :o instead of a Varg and some hounds around a Koalefant carcass.


Steps to Reproduce

Step 1. investigate suspicious dirt piles and uncover animal tracks.

Step 2. when a dirt pile with a tooth is found, investigate further.

Step 3. when the animal is spawned, you may find it not a Varg, but an Ewecus.

User Feedback

4 hours ago, V2C said:

Changed Status to Closed

Ewecus is one of the possible dangerous hunts normally.

@V2CMaybe I should explain a little further. As far as I know, it's true that Ewecus is normally supposed to be a hunt surprise (times that Ewecuses/Vargs spawn instead of Koalefants), but the new dangerous hunt mechanic includes claw marks spawned following Koalefant's track and the hunt spawned devouring a corpse. Wouldn't that be strange for Ewecuses? Since Ewecuses have hooves instead of claws and probably won't eat Koalefants, I do doubt that whether Ewecuses making claw marks/resting on Koalefant flesh is making sense (fitting in existing lore) or not. :)


I am guessing from your reaction that in code hunt surprise and dangerous hunt is basically the same mechanic, which explains that Ewecus and Varg hunts have some shared features. That said, however, Ewecus is probably different from Varg in essence and visual clues should be more distinct to tell whether a dangerous hunt is going to spawn an Ewecus or a Varg. I believe this would make dangerous hunts less confusing and enables players to get better prepared for what exactly is to come.

Edited by thewalkingcamel

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