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Dangerous hunt somehow spawned an invisible Varg

  • Fixed

Today for the first time since the last game update I did a few hunts in my post-rifts world. After several safe ones I finally found the one that had dangerous tracks, and I proceeded to follow it. It turned night time when I revealed the last track that spawned a beast at the end of the trail (my Wendy said "Was that you, Abigail?") but I decided to wait until the morning before fighting a Varg or Ewecus I expected to see. Here's the map where this happened. The last track I uncovered was between the Mooose Goose pond and Glommer's statue (slightly top left of my character), and it was pointing in the direction of Pig King:
Instead of proceeding to walk the same direction I immediately went the opposite direction a few screens away, towards McTusk camp on the border of savannah and birch forest. I fought Walrus and his son, warmed up my thermal and waited out the night. The next day I returned to the spot where I abandoned the (previously invisible to me due to the darkness) hunt outcome. By a Catcoon den I saw only a Koalefant corpse, its trunk and some meats on the ground, but no Varg or Ewecus. The Catcoon from the den near the corpse was dead as well (a mod ShowMe that I use on the server was showing 0/1 creatures in the den). I picked up the drops, it was one Winter Koalefant trunk and 3 large meats, and looked around to see if there's a Varg maybe fighting pigs or catcoons nearby but couldn't find it.

I rode my beefalo around Pig King and pig village and didn't see any Vargs anywhere. So I did


and it showed that I do have 4 Vargs in this world, and I 100% knew before this hunt I only had 3, all sitting in a pen near my Varg farm. I continued looked around the entire Deciduous Forest and even checked biomes connected to it (Triple McTusk and Mandrake Forest). Still no signs of Varg.

I put myself in godmode, did 


and cycled through all 4 Vargs that were present on the map. As expected, first three commands teleported me to my Varg pen with the three ones I had already caged earlier (disregard the mess, I didn't put the walls around the pen when I trapped them there and seems like they escaped after their behavior was changed in the last update): DontStarveTogether23-10-202314-42-37.thumb.png.64a1569ddd2734687ddaea8df2bffcd7.png
The fourth one, however, brought me back to the Koalefant corpse, implying that there is an invisible Varg over it. Furthermore, running the command 


returned 0: 

The Invisible Varg disguised as a Koalefant corpse was still where it spawned. I was unable to interact with the corpse, to attack or burn it - only to examine it. Riled up Abigail wasn't attacking it either, and no hounds of any kind were seen around: 

I closed the world to write this bug report and hopefully try to reproduce the glitch in a fresh world (see below in "How to reproduce" section). But when I returned to my world the invisible Varg turned visible and somehow fixed itself. It was behaving differently from what Vargs used to do before the update but I suppose it's the correct behavior now (spawning hounds even when not aggroed on player, wandering around and attacking small creatures on sight instead of sitting in place and menacingly breathing):image.thumb.png.3eb469ae70ece2e68c37f7a3c794e2c2.png

Steps to Reproduce

I'm not sure if this glitch can be reproduced at all. Perhaps it has something to do with Varg trying to spawn on top of existing structure when the Koalefant corpse spawns close to one. In my screenshots you can see that the corpse is not on top of the den but when I cycled through Vargs the console command teleported me directly on top of the Catcoon den. I messed around in a couple of worlds and here are the steps I followed when tried to reproduce it:
1) Activate lunar rifts in the surface world
2) c_skip(1)
3) c_gonext("dirtpile"). If there's none, repeat c_skip(1) until a Suspicious dirt pile spawns.
4) Look for the ones that have teeth in them (dangerous paths). [Side note: I haven't managed to spawn a branching hunt where there was a choice between a path with teeth in it and a safe path. I either had a dangerous hunt from the start (the first track spawned with teeth in it) or had one of the subsequent normal tracks turn into a dangerous one mid-hunt that started as a safe regular path. Not sure if I just never understood how the new hunts were supposed to work or that's messed up too].
5) Anyway, proceed until the end of the hunt, see a message from your character which indicates that a creature has spawned nearby.
6) Don't move towards the beast, instead walk a few screens away in the opposite direction and unload the area.
7) Return back the next day to investigate what your hunt spawned

List of server mods used on this server in case it's relevant

  • API Gem Core
  • Beefalo Status Bar
  • Beefalo Tamed No Poop
  • Epic Healthbar
  • Force Biomes
  • Global Positions
  • Lasting Endtable Decorations
  • Leisurely Peasants 
  • Midsummer Cawnival Plus
  • Show Bundle
  • Show Me (Origin)
  • Stop Tunneling Vines from moving items
  • Clean Sweeper Expanded

Most of them are for decoration purposes or QoL, I don't think any of them affect hunts though. Here's also the client log although I didn't see any errors neither did my game crash after this glitch. 


Some notes from my attempts to reproduce it

I started a fresh world (with the same list of mods just in case) where I activated rifts, skipped 200 days via console and started doing hunts in the Deciduous Forests with Catcoon dens turned up to Insane, hoping I will get a similar outcome. I went through about 20 dangerous hunts but all of them spawned and worked properly.
I then went back to the world where the glitch happened and spent a couple of seasons spawning and doing hunts in my base via console (hoping that one will spawn on a structure or near one) but still wasn't able to reproduce it. Hope you will solve this mystery, I'm out of ideas.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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