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Crash upon using chesspiece_knight_marble as material on sculpting table

  • Fixed
Master: [09:40:50]: [string "scripts/prefabs/sculptingtable.lua"]:216: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Master: LUA ERROR stack traceback:
Master: scripts/prefabs/sculptingtable.lua:216 in (method) CreateItem (Lua) <213-223>
Master:    inst = 242706 - sculptingtable (valid:true)
Master:    item = chesspiece_knight
Master:    base_ingredient = chesspiece_knight_marble
Master: scripts/prefabs/chesspieces.lua:336 in (method) OnBuiltFn (Lua) <333-343>
Master:    inst = 253459 - chesspiece_knight_builder (valid:true)
Master:    builder = 234515 - wathgrithr (valid:true)
Master:    prototyper = 242706 - sculptingtable (valid:true)
Master: scripts/entityscript.lua:1342 in (method) OnBuilt (Lua) <1334-1344>
Master:    self (valid:true) =
Master:       GUID = 253459
Master:       Transform = Transform (0x33a54be0)
Master:       inlimbo = false
Master:       persists = false
Master:       OnBuiltFn = function - scripts/prefabs/chesspieces.lua:333
Master:       pendingtasks = table: 0x322e6980
Master:       actioncomponents = table: 0x1c9f1540
Master:       name = Knight Figure
Master:       lower_components_shadow = table: 0x1c9f1510
Master:       spawntime = 17882.734265991
Master:       pieceid = 3
Master:       entity = Entity (0x31a841a0)
Master:       prefab = chesspiece_knight_builder
Master:       components = table: 0x2c6ed2e0
Master:       replica = table: 0x1c9f1570
Master:    builder = 234515 - wathgrithr (valid:true)
Master: scripts/components/builder.lua:516 in () ? (Lua) <391-522>
Master:    self =
iiMaster:       exclude_tags = table: 0x31815bc0
Master:       accessible_tech_trees = table: 0x3235e7b0
Master:       inst = 234515 - wathgrithr (valid:true)
Master:       current_prototyper = 242706 - sculptingtable (valid:true)
Master:       buffered_builds = table: 0x31815aa0
Master:       recipes = table: 0x32a1cb80
Master:       _ = table: 0x31153de0
Master:       station_recipes = table: 0x34389e40
Master:    recname = chesspiece_knight_builder
Master:    pt = (-34.78, 0.00, 298.48)
Master:    rotation = nil
Master:    skin = nil
Master:    recipe = table: 0xa44bb80
Master:    wetlevel = 39.453883087954
Master:    prod = 253459 - chesspiece_knight_builder (valid:true)
Master: =(tail call):-1 in ()  (tail) <-1--1>
Master: scripts/bufferedaction.lua:25 in (method) Do (Lua) <21-35>
Master:    self (valid:true) =
Master:       action = table: 0xacf2b80
Master:       doer = 234515 - wathgrithr (valid:true)
Master:       onfail = table: 0x1cab4870
Master:       doerownsobject = false
Master:       recipe = chesspiece_knight_builder
Master:       onsuccess = table: 0xade0030
Master:       distance = 1
Master:       options = table: 0x1cab48a0
Master:       pos = -34.78, 298.48 on 124757 - boat
Master: scripts/entityscript.lua:1318 in (method) PerformBufferedAction (Lua) <1305-1328>
Master:    self (valid:true) =
Master:       DynamicShadow = DynamicShadow (0x206d6980)
Master:       inlimbo = false
Master:       GetMoistureRateScale = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:148
Master:       GetInspiration = function - scripts/prefabs/wathgrithr.lua:65
Master:       ScreenFlash = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1112                                                                                                                                                                 
Master:       player_classified = 234516 - player_classified (valid:true)
Master:       playercolour = table: 0x3294fdb0
Master:       IsOverheating = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:118
Master:       ShowPlantRegistryPopUp = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1044
Master:       _isrezattuned = false
Master:       OnRemoveEntity = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:675
Master:       pendingtasks = table: 0x2e484c60
Master:       CalcAvailableSlotsForInspiration = function - scripts/prefabs/wathgrithr.lua:85
Master:       ShowGiftItemPopUp = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1032
Master:       sg = sg="wilson", state="dolongaction", time=1.00, tags = "doing,nodangle,"
Master:       IsHUDVisible = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1010
Master:       ApplyScale = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1127
Master:       SetGhostMode = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:588
Master:       ShowActions = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1014
Master:       OnWakeUp = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:876
Master:       Transform = Transform (0x243898c0)
Master:       bufferedaction = Build nil Recipe: chesspiece_knight_builder (valid:true)
Master:       actionreplica = table: 0x1997ce00
Master:       event_listening = table: 0x1e2a92a0
Master:       actioncomponents = table: 0x32548820
Master:       lower_components_shadow = table: 0x31d3c860
Master:       GetMaxMoisture = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:138
Master:       CanUseTouchStone = function - scripts/prefabs/player
Master: [09:40:50]: [string "scripts/prefabs/sculptingtable.lua"]:216: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Master: LUA ERROR stack traceback:
Master:     scripts/prefabs/sculptingtable.lua:216 in (method) CreateItem (Lua) <213-223>
Master:     scripts/prefabs/chesspieces.lua:336 in (method) OnBuiltFn (Lua) <333-343>
Master:     scripts/entityscript.lua:1342 in (method) OnBuilt (Lua) <1334-1344>
Master:     scripts/components/builder.lua:516 in () ? (Lua) <391-522>
Master:     =(tail call):-1 in ()  (tail) <-1--1>
Master:     scripts/bufferedaction.lua:25 in (method) Do (Lua) <21-35>
Master:     scripts/entityscript.lua:1318 in (method) PerformBufferedAction (Lua) <1305-1328>
Master:     scripts/stategraphs/SGwilson.lua:5172 in (field) ontimeout (Lua) <5165-5173>
Master:     scripts/stategraph.lua:554 in (method) UpdateState (Lua) <540-584>
Master:     scripts/stategraph.lua:611 in (method) Update (Lua) <603-631>
Master:     scripts/stategraph.lua:128 in (method) Update (Lua) <109-153>
Master:     scripts/update.lua:233 in () ? (Lua) <164-243>
Master: [09:40:50]: Warning: Widget:SetFocusFromChild is happening on a widget outside of the screen/widget hierachy. This will cause focus moves to fail. Is   ScriptErrorWidget       not a screen?
Master: [09:40:50]: stack traceback:
Master:         scripts/widgets/widget.lua:605 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627>
Master:         scripts/widgets/widget.lua:624 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627>
Master:         scripts/widgets/widget.lua:624 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627>
Master:         scripts/widgets/widget.lua:656 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <629-665>
Master:         scripts/widgets/menu.lua:83 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <74-85>
Master:         scripts/widgets/scripterrorwidget.lua:109 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <102-119>
Master:         scripts/update.lua:95 in () ? (Lua) <33-134>


213 local function CreateItem(inst, item)
214     local base_ingredient = inst.components.pickable.caninteractwith and inst.components.pickable.product or nil
215     if base_ingredient ~= nil then
216         giveitem(inst, item.."_"..sculptable_materials[base_ingredient].material)
218         local fx = SpawnPrefab("collapse_small")
219         local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
220         fx.Transform:SetPosition(x, y + 1.2, z)
221         fx:SetMaterial("stone")
222     end
223 end


definition of `sculptable_materials`

 15 local sculptable_materials =
 16 {
 17     marble      = {swapfile="marble",       symbol="marble01",      material = "marble"},
 18     cutstone    = {swapfile="cutstone",     symbol="cutstone01",    material = "stone"},
 19     moonglass   = {swapfile="moonglass",    symbol="moonglass01",   material = "moonglass"},
 20 }


Somehow `base_ingredient = chesspiece_knight_marble` which is not a valid material.


Steps to Reproduce

I am not sure 100% of the steps to reproduce, but the player was trying to build and hammer chess pieces on a new moon and may have introduced some sort of race condition?


User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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