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Clean Sweeper cannot be applied to mast attachments after they were put on masts

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In Don't Starve Together I found out that I can't use the Clean Sweeper item to reskin any existing attachments (Desk Illuminator or Lightning Conductor) on already built masts. I own both reskins (Shellbound Deck Illuminator and Serpentine Storm Eater) and I can craft new mast attachments with these reskins just fine, but once the attachment is applied to the mast, it cannot be changed back. Thus I can't change any of my existing mast attachments without breaking masts and rebuilding them from scratch. Please fix it so I won't need to destroy and rebuild from scratch all my boats in all my worlds (it's not too easy to replace the mast when the boat already has other structures around). 

Steps to Reproduce

1. Build a boat with two masts in Don't Starve Together.

2. Create two mast attachments: Desk Illuminator and Lightning Conductor.

3. Place them on masts.

4.Make sure the person testing has two mast attachment alternative skins unlocked: Shellbound Deck Illuminator and Serpentine Storm Eater

5. Try applying Clean Sweeper item to reskin these attachments while they are already built on top of masts - the game won't let you do it.

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