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Nutrients Transfer Stops After Re-Opening A World

  • Pending

Nutrients transfer doesn't happen on farm plots after closing and opening a world. Picture shows one plot(left) made during that session and another made before closing and reopening the world. Also, watering the latter plot has no visual effect and premier gardening hat did not show any nutrients on the plot. There were no server mods active during this test.20201130152921_1.thumb.jpg.74914714200f83e8fe66121995f6da98.jpg

Update: The problem has been fixed on this world, but is still present on another older world. I'm not sure why the problem is happening there.

Update 2: The bug is caused by a conflict with the mod API Gemcore, it doesn't happen when the Mod is disabled. I'm guessing this falls to the modders to fix now.


Steps to Reproduce

Create a farming plot on a server you host, then close and re-open the server.

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