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Moon storm cancelled and mysterious energy gone.

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I was completing the moonstorm quests with Wagstaff, went to sleep irl and the next day the incomplete experiment has gone (as intended by the update), but the moon storms are gone, and the celestial tribute does not register on the map. I'm assuming there's a bug rn causing the celestial sanctum to not register as existing and so the mysterious energy cannot appear, however im still experiencing lunacy at night. I've reloaded the game and the issue is still here.

I created a new sanctum and that does not register on the map either, I remember the previous day it was registering.

I had already reloaded and returned the prior day, and all my progress was still there. It was since reloading today it is gone. I was experiencing the bug where the icon for the moon storm event wasn't appearing on the day clock and was only registering as regular night.

I now cannot place the incomplete experiment anywhere, likely due to the fact the energy between the celestial stations isn't there.

Screenshot 2021-04-17 at 11.53.44.png

Steps to Reproduce

1. Assemble celestial tributes/altar/sanctum

2. Start event, start assembling incomplete experiment and get to stage 2.

3. Allow update to despawn the lunar siphonator as of where it was placed.

4. Return to 3 celestial stations - sanctum no longer registers, mysterious energy gone, and moon storm cancelled.

5. Cannot place incomplete experiment anywhere.


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