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So much lag, not just in the Gorge

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The lag starts for me at around 11 AM CST, I'm in, according to my research (aka about 2 minutes of Google searching) I'm from the South-West part of the USA if that helps with anything, the server with the highest ping without a password is 133, which doesn't really matter because no matter what, I get bad connection, rubberbanding, every few steps I stop moving then rubberband and move in a direction I wasn't even pressing, the higher the ping, the more rubberbanding and such, I am not sure if this is because of my bad wifi, but the Forge wasn't this laggy for me, only sometimes, so I'm not really sure what's going on, I can still play a few hours if I get up early like at 8 AM, that is all I have to say, goodbye, also, if you were wondering, the lowest ping with a passworded server is 66

Steps to Reproduce
I don't know, it's lag

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