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[Need Help] Custom character and torches

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I'm working on a custom character that uses torches extensively in their playstyle. I wanted to make them a custom torch that works similarly to willow's lighter but have been unable to figure out how to do so without the game just crashing, I have tried finding torch mods to reference how to achieve this, but they are all extremely outdated(crash) or simply just modify ALL torches rather than create a new one

I have attempted to clone a torch entirely with all the required assets under a different name and it either won't spawn in the game or it crashes immediately when the mod loads

Following item creation guides has been little help because the game just seems to be really finnicky about the manner in which torches work


my goal here is simple: i want an infinite duration torch for this character, with a very tiny 3 point damage increase(from 17 to 20) and i don't want to modify the base game torches to do so, i just want an otherwise complete clone of them

ideally i want a unique torch, failing that, if someone could provide a script that makes these changes when held by that specific character, that would be a huge help

I want this to be shipwrecked compatible, that seems to be the big hangup that's making this horrible to achieve

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well after several days of no assistance and no help i managed to bludgeon the game into doing what i wanted, there is a severe lack of documentation on how to create new items using existing, built-in assets when you don't -need- any special resources for what you're trying to do

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