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Something wrong with saving

  • Fixed

Something is amiss with the saving system. I felt something was wrong so i payed extra attention to it and i seem right.

The game does not save the current state when i click 'save and exit'. Instead it loads a state from a few minutes earlier when i restart the game. I'm not sure if it loads the last autosave or not.



Steps to Reproduce
To try and replicate the bug i simply clicked save and exit at a certain point i can remember. In this case a few seconds before night, with my fireplace burning. I clicked save and exit and closed the game. When coming back and loading the last save, it just started dusk (it has a 2 and a half minute dusk on day 31) and the fire is out. Perhaps this was the last autosave i don't know. I did not tamper with the save game location or the files within. I have no idea what is causing this. Edir: I just noticed it is in fact the last autosave it loads and not the manual save.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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