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    Don't Starve modding, obviously..

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  1. My code does not work. I was asking for whether I made principle mistake, or whether it's impossible generally.
  2. Hey ho, is it correct, that it is not possible to register for events using ListenForEvent in a client only mod?: AddComponentPostInit("health", function(Health, inst) inst:ListenForEvent("healthdelta", function(inst, data) if inst.components.health then ----- end end) end) Would be happy for any confirmation in any direction. Thanks a lot!
  3. OnGround seems to be right, if blowdarts use it aswell. I always start a mod by copying another prefab (in this case blowdart) and repeat changing stuff while everything is correct - in small steps. Maybe start over and try again with blowdart.lua ...
  4. I guess inst.AnimState:SetOrientation(ANIM_ORIENTATION.OnGround) is wrong. Have a look at all the other Options of ANIM_ORIENTATION. There are several others which are not "OnGround". Is there a reason, you used OnGround? Only a guess
  5. Hey devs, I have a new mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1755351523 It's running fine as long as there are no Caves - and I don't know why. My mod includes a custom container which is defined this way: local compostpileparams = { widget = { slotpos = { Vector3(0,32+4,0), Vector3(-(32+4), -(32+4),0), Vector3((32+4), -(32+4),0), Vector3(-(32+4), -(64+32+8+4),0), Vector3((32+4), -(64+32+8+4),0) }, animbank = "ui_compostpile1c6x3", animbuild = "ui_compostpile1c6x3", pos = Vector3(200, 0, 0), side_align_tip = 100, buttoninfo = { text = "Fill", position = Vector3(0, -170, 0), } }, acceptsstacks = false, type = "cooker", } function compostpileparams.itemtestfn(container, item, slot) return composting.IsCompostIngredient(item.prefab) and not container.inst:HasTag("burnt") end function compostpileparams.widget.buttoninfo.fn(inst) if inst.components.container ~= nil then BufferedAction(inst.components.container.opener, inst, ACTIONS.COMPOST):Do() elseif inst.replica.container ~= nil and not inst.replica.container:IsBusy() then SendRPCToServer(RPC.DoWidgetButtonAction, ACTIONS.COMPOST.code, inst, ACTIONS.COMPOST.mod_name) end end -- "can 'Fill' be clicked?" function compostpileparams.widget.buttoninfo.validfn(inst) local num = 0 for k,v in pairs (inst.components.container.slots) do num = num + 1 end return inst.replica.container ~= nil and num > 2 end inst:AddComponent("container") inst.components.container:WidgetSetup("compostpile", compostpileparams) inst.components.container.onopenfn = onopen inst.components.container.onclosefn = onclose I also tried using inst.components.container:WidgetSetup("cookpot") which doesn't change a thing... When clicking the container, I receive the following stacktrace: [00:11:35]: [string "scripts/widgets/containerwidget.lua"]:29: attempt to index local 'widget' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/widgets/containerwidget.lua:29 in (method) Open (Lua) <24-143> self = callbacks = table: 6C6BE580 slotsperrow = 3 inst = 101081 - (valid:true) focus = false children = table: 6C6BE3F0 focus_flow_args = table: 6C6BE4E0 focus_target = false isopen = false owner = 100182 - wickerbottom (valid:true) open = false can_fade_alpha = true inv = table: 6C6BE670 parent = name = Container bgimage = Image - : focus_flow = table: 6C6BE3A0 enabled = true bganim = UIAnim shown = true container = 100113 - compostpile (valid:true) doer = 100182 - wickerbottom (valid:true) widget = nil scripts/screens/playerhud.lua:262 in (upvalue) OpenContainerWidget (Lua) <259-264> self = fireover = FireOver sandover = SandOver beefbloodover = BeefBloodOver parent = screenroot overlayroot = overlays sailing_alpha = 0 handlers = table: 80C97630 mindcontrolover = UIAnim enabled = true under_root = under_root eventannouncer = EventAnnouncer name = HUD flareover = FlareOver focus_flow = table: 80C97338 bloodover = BloodOver storm_root = storm_root over_root = over_root callbacks = table: 80C96DC0 popupstats_root = popupstats_root sanddustover = UIAnim inst = 100184 - (valid:true) focus = true children = table: 80C97018 heatover = HeatOver focus_flow_args = table: 80C97360 focus_target = false vig = UIAnim controls = Controls owner = 100182 - wickerbottom (valid:true) clouds = UIAnim can_fade_alpha = true iceover = IceOver fumeover = FumeOver is_screen = true storm_overlays = storm_overlays shown = true gogglesover = GogglesOver sailing_vig = UIAnim root = root container = 100113 - compostpile (valid:true) side = false containerwidget = Container scripts/screens/playerhud.lua:272 in (method) OpenContainer (Lua) <266-274> self = fireover = FireOver sandover = SandOver beefbloodover = BeefBloodOver parent = screenroot overlayroot = overlays sailing_alpha = 0 handlers = table: 80C97630 mindcontrolover = UIAnim enabled = true under_root = under_root eventannouncer = EventAnnouncer name = HUD flareover = FlareOver focus_flow = table: 80C97338 bloodover = BloodOver storm_root = storm_root over_root = over_root callbacks = table: 80C96DC0 popupstats_root = popupstats_root sanddustover = UIAnim inst = 100184 - (valid:true) focus = true children = table: 80C97018 heatover = HeatOver focus_flow_args = table: 80C97360 focus_target = false vig = UIAnim controls = Controls owner = 100182 - wickerbottom (valid:true) clouds = UIAnim can_fade_alpha = true iceover = IceOver fumeover = FumeOver is_screen = true storm_overlays = storm_overlays shown = true gogglesover = GogglesOver sailing_vig = UIAnim root = root container = 100113 - compostpile (valid:true) side = false scripts/components/container_replica.lua:290 in (method) Open (Lua) <276-297> self = ondetachclassified = function - scripts/components/container_replica.lua:106 acceptsstacks = true _numslots = 0 _isopen = false issidewidget = false _cannotbeopened = net_bool (3D9C6D08) classified = 101080 - container_classified (valid:true) inst = 100113 - compostpile (valid:true) doer = 100182 - wickerbottom (valid:true) scripts/components/container_replica.lua:95 in (field) fn (Lua) <87-101> inst = 100113 - compostpile (valid:true) self = ondetachclassified = function - scripts/components/container_replica.lu [00:11:35]: [string "scripts/widgets/containerwidget.lua"]:29: attempt to index local 'widget' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/widgets/containerwidget.lua:29 in (method) Open (Lua) <24-143> scripts/screens/playerhud.lua:262 in (upvalue) OpenContainerWidget (Lua) <259-264> scripts/screens/playerhud.lua:272 in (method) OpenContainer (Lua) <266-274> scripts/components/container_replica.lua:290 in (method) Open (Lua) <276-297> scripts/components/container_replica.lua:95 in (field) fn (Lua) <87-101> scripts/scheduler.lua:177 in (method) OnTick (Lua) <155-207> scripts/scheduler.lua:371 in (global) RunScheduler (Lua) <369-377> scripts/update.lua:178 in () ? (Lua) <157-236> I tried to understand the container:WidgetSetup routines (same with container_replica) but I cannot see how this may be a problem with Caves... Maybe it's because of the multi-server setup... Can someone help me? Thanks in advance compsting-together.zip
  6. Hey pals, I just finished another mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1757258298 It's a client mod for one simple automation which I thought was helpful. In the last couple days I forgot to choose a nice new skin I received for a firepit. So I looked up the code and saw, that the default skin is chosen even if there is a new skin. So why not choosing it automatically? So now - using this mod - you don't have to click the right arrow in the item skins spinner. The logic is: CallTheOldRefreshMethod() local preferred = 2 if there are item options then while iterating over options i do if option has a new_indicator then preferred = i break end i = i + 1 end local skin_index = spinner:GetSelectedIndex() if skin_index is default then self.skins_spinner.spinner:SetSelectedIndex(preferred) end end I achieved that using the AddClassPostConstruct method. Do you think this is helpful? I find the default items skins too boring compared to every item skin!
  7. I just added new indicators for hunger and sanity. Those are turned off by default, so you have to head to the settings to turn them on. Have fun!
  8. Hey pals, I just updated a new version of my good old damage indicators mod here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1750657150 I improved the size of numbers. It now scales with damage. Higher damage is larger font. What do you think? Do you have any more wishes? I am looking forward to add some new features in the next couple weeks - feel free to provide any ideas! Thanks in advance. PS: Don't forget to subscribe!
  9. Hello guys, I found this thread by looking for a solution to publish a mod with multiple authors. Currently I am working on new features of a Don't Starve Together Mod and some other guy is the original author. I am therefore not able to update the game files. Is there any possibility to achieve that?
  10. Hey there, everyone interested in my Don't Starve Together-Mod "Damage Indicators Together" can now visit this Github-Page to get noticed of updates and much more information: https://github.com/dont-starve-modding/damage-indicators-together Help and suggestions are very welcome! What do you guys think of a mod displaying more than damage? I had values such as hunger and sanity in mind. Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=543945797 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=220511926 DamageIndicatorsTogether-0.7.0.zip
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