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    Starving by a campfire

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  1. Oh... uhmm... yeah, of course I knew that.... hmmm.... Well, it's done now at least. Better late then never! I did, partially, enjoy checking the thread manually however, as the suspense of seeing if the fantabulous new update was released or if some more sneak peek pics were posted was quite fun :3 (been a while since I've used the forums at all, so the last topic I followed was William II)
  2. It's hit the point where I check this thread twice every hour, I can't wait for the update! Knowing your team, it's gonna be good! :3
  3. Even after checking the wiki I'm still confused about part of the mod. To access the lava caves, I presume I need to find an entrance structure. The wiki said that there is one by several goblin/orc huts (forget which) and a bonfire, but I have yet to find it. Is there any way I can spawn (the entrance to) the next level? I checked thoroughly through the wiki so I am fairly sure more specific info. isn't on there, but sorry if I missed something obvious.
  4. Not sure if I understand your question correctly, but the version I have (the public version) doesn't have any high-quality shields, with the exception of one that uses the art in the Link mod. Also, on this subject, if your using placeholder Link art for now, shouldn't you use the Wooden Shield from Link instead of the lower-res one you have/
  5. Have you considered adding a preset, similar to what Up and Away has? it would be nice, for experimentation purposes, if you could spawn in a world with everything you need to get started close by.
  6. That would explain it. Since I haven't played much survival myself yet (I will just go into the game and marvel at the art ;3) I use debugspawn to mess around with everything that I find can be spawned. A lot of these things crash when they get interacted with, have missing art, etc, so I'm never quite sure what is an intended feature and what isn't. Also, on the subject of the new update, is any of the art for the earlier structures being reworked? The shields and a bit low-quality compared to the other new bits of art, and some of the structures lack a bit.
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