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[help] Monster's never sleep


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It seems so simple to always wake the monsters at day 1 and keep them awake, but nomatter what I change in the scripts, nothing seems to take effect. What would I do to spider.lua to make this happen?

Edited by WrathOf
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thanks some guy, but i just want spiders to roam the day as they do the night. any hup would be mucho appreciated

A really quick and dirty way to do this is to comment out the GoHomeAction in spiderbrain.lua, like so:


function SpiderBrain:OnStart()    local clock = TheGlobalInstance.components.clock    local daynode =         WhileNode(function() return clock and clock:IsDay() end, "IsDay",            PriorityNode            {                --DoAction(self.inst, function() return GoHomeAction(self.inst) end ),            }        )

This will make any spiders that come out of their nest stay active during daytime.

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A really quick and dirty way to do this is to comment out the GoHomeAction in spiderbrain.lua, like so:


function SpiderBrain:OnStart()    local clock = TheGlobalInstance.components.clock    local daynode =         WhileNode(function() return clock and clock:IsDay() end, "IsDay",            PriorityNode            {                --DoAction(self.inst, function() return GoHomeAction(self.inst) end ),            }        )

This will make any spiders that come out of their nest stay active during daytime.

Awesome thanks! So you get 1 day to prep, then even a strawroll won't save you. Now just need Sliver's mod to add 4x the amount of spider dens to the world, not to lag anymore then I'll be so so so happy.
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Well, just a quick correction. It would actually be better to comment out the call to daynode.

local root =        PriorityNode(        {            WhileNode( function() return self.inst.components.health.takingfiredamage end, "OnFire", Panic(self.inst)),            AttackWall(self.inst),            ChaseAndAttack(self.inst, MAX_CHASE_TIME),            DoAction(self.inst, function() return EatFoodAction(self.inst) end ),            Follow(self.inst, function() return self.inst.components.follower.leader end, MIN_FOLLOW_DIST, TARGET_FOLLOW_DIST, MAX_FOLLOW_DIST),           [B] --daynode,[/B]            Wander(self.inst, function() return self.inst.components.knownlocations:GetLocation("home") end, MAX_WANDER_DIST)                    },1)

I don't think it will really matter either way, but since it sounds like you're planning to have a lot of spiders I would do it this way.

Edited by clockwork
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