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Why don't my plants have any conditions?

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So maybe this is a bug, but I've been checking out some tutorials on youtube to get better at farming, and for some odd reason I don't see the condition box on my plants (the box that tells you how good you're doing at maintaining the right temp, pressure for plant growth). Is there something I'm doing wrong. This mealwood in the picture is also irrigated with polluted water...no idea why my dupes aren't delivering fertilizer (maybe not high enough priority).

Mealwood No Condition.bmp

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Mealwood does not need fertilizers or irrigation to grow, you only need to meet pressure range + type of gaseous + temperature to grow.

You can check on their respective requirement when selecting the seed you want to plant on the tile and,

After you planted something you have to click the plant itself to check ( not the tile/box ) to check for the condition.

tho you might have already figure it out by now.

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Look at newer tutorials, almost all the changes from the Agricultural update were removed.

There are no additional requirements for 'better' farming in the game currently, just whatever the base requirements are for the plant to grow.

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Hmm... I wouldn't say they were all bad, but there was perhaps some needless complexity and it didn't really balance with the currently available resources (including time) in game.  From what I remember (and I didn't play a lot during that update) it was much easier to dig up your plants and replant them after a certain number of harvests, rather than try to optimize the growing conditions to guarantee they produced seeds and extra food.

I expect some of the changes will be reinstated in a slightly different way, and hopefully after some other things change they will make a bit more sense, because food/farming at the moment is very bare bones. Complexity is good if it makes sense and it has a worthwhile payoff :)

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1 hour ago, Kroning said:

But it looks like a bug anyway. There are condtions of sleet wheat on screenshot, isn't it? (Maybe because mealwood does not have any and game just show "default" one?)

I think that's exactly what it is, there's no domestication requirements for mealwood so it doesn't list anything except the reduced grow time.

Everything else has at least something in that area, so mealwood looks odd in comparison.

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