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The Forge Enemy Guide


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So, you decided to play the forge beta. and the enemies are killing your entire team in a matter of seconds. how exactly do you kill these things? it's hard, but it's possible.

Pit Pigs

Speed: Average

when close to a player, they'll swipe attack them. if chasing a player, they might do a charge attack to catch up.

To dodge the swipe attacks, move forwards and attack once or twice if you get far away. if the pig gets ready to charge, quickly move to the left or right to dodge the charge.


Speed: Average

These guys will try to bite you when close, and spit at you from afar.

Dodging the bite is easy. just run away. when it tries to spit, just run away from where you think it's going to land.


Speed: Slow

These enemies will do an AoE spike attack when close, can hide in their shell, and spin around.

To dodge the spike attack, try kiting. it might not work, but it's worth a shot. for the spin attack, run in a triangle. when it spins at you, move away, then move in a different direction the second time, then move back to your original point before the third spin.


Speed: Slow

These Scorpions can try to pinch you, and poison you.

Dodging the pinch attack is easy, just move away and then attack. for the poison attack, try to move away from where it's going to land. if you get hit, try to get someone to heal you.


Speed: Fast

These guys will charge at you and swipe, causing you to be knocked back.

Watch out for this enemy. if you don't have items that can increase your speed, it's possible for it to stunlock you by swiping, then charging at you and swiping again while you're recovering from the stun. if possible, get items that can increase your speed. it's possible to dodge it then. if it gets to low HP, it will ground pound, which is very hard to dodge.

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Grand Forge Boarrior

Speed: Average

Attacks: Basic swipe attacks, Spin attack, Spawn banners and pit pigs, Shove his doomhorns in the ground and yank them up, rending the arena in a trail of fire in his direction. (thanks Ashkain)

I recommend you to spread. You need minimum 2 tanks. Avoid his attacks. When he spawns pigs and banners, group up and kill them first (tanks should kiting the boss). When you drop heal let him sleep, you have to restore your health. Don't panic!

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