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Minor glitch fixes and other suggestions

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I figure since these glitches aren't too detrimental to gameplay that they don't really need to be sent as a bug report. but should still be mentioned somewhere:

  • sometimes tools will automatically go to drag-select mode but won't be able to select anything. Pausing the game sometimes fixes this but it's still annoying
  • pufts will float upwards indefinitely until they hit an obstacle. This isn't an issue when they're in their natural habitat, but when they're in the colony they end up grouping at the top of the base because of ladders and are unlikely to come back down.
  • if there is already water in the pipes when a duplicant tries to use the shower or bathroom, they will switch showers and bathrooms until they find one that has no water in the pipes. This makes it nearly impossible for two dupes to shower or use the restroom at the same time.

As for some suggestions:

  • Dupes that prefer to do certain jobs and will prioritize them unless instructed otherwise (set up somewhat like stress responses in that all of a specific type of dupe have the same preference)
  • Predators -mobs that dupes need to avoid and/or get rescued from. Encourages players to actively play the game in order to pay attention to where these creatures are before they eat duplicants (more interesting if these creatures can dig)
  • nests/burrows, etc where mobs will spawn if their population goes below a certain number
  • I noticed there were some anim assets for what looked like dupes fighting each other and I think that would be interesting to implement though I'm not exactly sure what they'd be fighting over
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