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Strange and somewhat amusing Facts


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Most ice cream adverts use potato because it doesn't melt under studio lights.

The saying "rule of thumb" very likely has its origins in the notion or rule that a man can legally beat his wife as long as he used a rod no thicker than his thumb- maybe we should stop saying this :/ 

Platypus is one of two monotremes- animals which lay eggs but still suckle their young like mammals.The platypus exudes milk from their skin not nipples- which they do not have


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The origin of the word "Bamboozle" comes from the Chinese punishment  waking a person hard with bamboo shoots.

Origin of the term "Dead ringer" comes from the graveyard shift at a literal graveyard. A person would stay up late to make sure the person they buried was dead. IF not, the toe from the moving person in the crypt would move and signal to the person on the graveyard shift to get them out.



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12 hours ago, MenaAthena said:

Without mucus your stomach would digest itself.

I can verify this. I can also confirm that without a proper stomach lining you will experience the most intense pain in your life. My resting heart rate was at 184bpm from sheer pain- thats right my heart was beating 3 times a second. 

Your skin is the largest organ of the human body.

You lungs have 3 lobes on the right and two on the left. The heart is tilted to the left because of this- to fit in this space. The human body is arrange in such a way there is no wasted space, its all crammed full and arrange to the last millimetre which is why so many things can go wrong... 

Crocodiles have a respiratory bypass system. Allowing them to circulate blood without sending it to the lungs. Which is what allows them to sit at the bottom for so long. 

Velociraptors are considered the most intelligent dinosaur to have lived- they were also feathered.
The T-rex was unlikely to have actively hunted, it was a scavenger and is not the biggest carnivore- there are two new found bigger badder boys in town.

The average human will hallucinate after only 72 hours of sleep deprivation. - I can verify, for me it starts with hearing things. Sleep is important people  

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There is a part of your brain responsible for keeping your body from moving while you sleep so you don't act out your dreams. There are two ways this can malfunction, sleep walking (when it stops working while you're sleeping) and sleep paralysis (when it continues working while you're awake).

You naturally breath slower while you're asleep since you aren't as active and so don't need as much oxygen. During sleep paralysis, you are consciously awake but your body is still stuck in sleep mode, and so is your breathing. This leads to most people's brains rationalizing that something is on their chest or neck suffocating them during the event.

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