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How to get room/task an entity is located?

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Is it possible to get the room/task an entity is located?

I mean if you select your character with c_select() and hit backspace, you enable the DebugRender.
And this is showing you besides other information, also the room and task you are currently located.

But what is the function to get this room/task name?

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33 minutes ago, ZupaleX said:

I would use GetClosestNodeToPlayer()

This returns you a node which have a field "data" containing all the info you are asking about.

thank you :)
The goal is to connect wormholes depending on the task they are located in.

So I used GetClosestNode(x,y) instead, but this does not contain "data". It does contain this:

neighbours    table: 5D1D4268    
type    0    
c    7    
tags    table: 0C20C030    
cent    table: 0C20C648    
y    -19    
poly    table: 0C20C300    
validedges    table: 5D18C428    
x    42    
area    323  

So what now? =/
My Code:

    if inst.components.teleporter then
            local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition() 
            local n = GLOBAL.GetClosestNode(x,y)
            -- ...

Why I'm asking:


I'm working on the Adventure Mod, which will allow playing the DS adventure. There is a world "Archipelago", which has 5 islands and a start island.
Unfortunately islands do not work by default and it is too complicated to rewrite the worldgeneration code.
Therefore I made them half-islands linked with a small path, but this path is blocked by undestroyable basalt.
But the game is not generating wormholes by itself. So I added 5 wormholes to the start-task and 1 wormhole for each of the other island tasks.
In map/network the wormholes are randomly connected.

The only solution I can imagine so far, is to iterate after world generation over all exisiting wormholes and make them connect correctly, depending on their task they are located.


Edited by Serpens
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I was expecting this function to return a table of this type


Node = Class(function(self, id, data)
	self.id = id
	self.graph = nil
	self.delta_graph = nil
    -- Graph properties
    self.edges = {}
    -- Data
    self.data = data
    -- Search
    self.visited = false
    self.colour = data.colour or {r=255,g=255,b=0,a=55}

    self.ents = nil
    self.populateFn = nil
    self.tileFn = nil
    self.populated = false
    self.children_populated = false

    if self.data.custom_tiles ~= nil then
    	self.data.custom_tiles = nil
    if self.data.custom_objects ~= nil then
    	self.data.custom_objects = nil



but obviously it does not. Well there is a bit more research to do then, sorry about that.

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I believe this is what you want. It is based on the 'GetClosestNode'.  A small change was made to make it more precise for edges.

function GetRoom(entity)
    local closestdist = math.huge
    local closestid = nil
    for i,v in pairs(GLOBAL.TheWorld.topology.nodes) do
        if #v.neighbours > 0 then
            local dx = math.floor((math.abs(v.x - x)+2)/4)
            local dy = math.floor((math.abs(v.y - y)+2)/4)
            local distsq = dx*dx + dy*dy
            if distsq < closestdist then
                closestdist = distsq
                closestid = i
    return GLOBAL.TheWorld.topology.ids[closestid]

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51 minutes ago, ptr said:

I believe this is what you want. It is based on the 'GetClosestNode'.  A small change was made to make it more precise for edges.

O.ô brilliant it works ! :)
eg returning "IslandHop_Start:2:SpiderMarsh" (task and room)

By the way I just implemented another solution :D
I created a new room which includes countstaticlayout. And made a new layout that includes a wormhole with a scenario. The scenario is adding the Tag "wormholeX". (while X is a number from 1 to 10). Then I added those rooms to the the island tasks. Now in modmain I was able to connect the wormhole with Tag "wormhole1" with the wormhole with tag "wormhole2" (FindFirstEntityWithTag).

But with your solution it is much better :D:)
(just have to think about how to find the other wormholes... hmm.. only solution is a worldwide FindEntities and then checking their Task/Room ? ... or better adding the Tags from above in AddPrefabPostInit depending on their room and then do a DoTaskInTime and connect them via FindFirstEntityWithTag)

ok, this is my solution now in modmain:


    if inst.components.teleporter then
            taskandroom = GetRoom(inst) -- eg "IslandHop_Start:2:SpiderMarsh"
            if string.find(taskandroom,"IslandHop_Start") then
                if not GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole1") then
                elseif not GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole2") then
                elseif not GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole3") then
                elseif not GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole4") then
                elseif not GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole5") then
            elseif string.find(taskandroom,"IslandHop_Hounds") then
            elseif string.find(taskandroom,"IslandHop_Forest") then
            elseif string.find(taskandroom,"IslandHop_Savanna") then
            elseif string.find(taskandroom,"IslandHop_Rocky") then
            elseif string.find(taskandroom,"IslandHop_Merm") then
                if inst:HasTag("wormhole1") then
                    local worm6 = GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole6")
                    inst.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm6
                elseif inst:HasTag("wormhole2") then
                    local worm7 = GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole7")
                    inst.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm7
                elseif inst:HasTag("wormhole3") then
                    local worm8 = GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole8")
                    inst.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm8
                elseif inst:HasTag("wormhole4") then
                    local worm9 = GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole9")
                    inst.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm9
                elseif inst:HasTag("wormhole5") then
                    local worm10 = GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole10")
                    inst.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm10
                elseif inst:HasTag("wormhole6") then
                    local worm1 = GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole1")
                    inst.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm1
                elseif inst:HasTag("wormhole7") then
                    local worm2 = GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole2")
                    inst.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm2
                elseif inst:HasTag("wormhole8") then
                    local worm3 = GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole3")
                    inst.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm3
                elseif inst:HasTag("wormhole9") then
                    local worm4 = GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole4")
                    inst.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm4
                elseif inst:HasTag("wormhole10") then
                    local worm5 = GLOBAL.TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("wormhole5")
                    inst.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm5



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14 hours ago, ptr said:

Why not save all the wormholes in a global table like the sinkholes do in addprefabpostinit?

Then you can connect them in a function once all wormholes are saved.

Are you interested in helping me to improve the code from the adventure mod?

Especially the level code is very poor..
It works like this:
In Adventure we have a "Chapter" from 0 to 6. And a Level (I call it Overridelevel, currently 1 to 8). The levels are all designed worlds we have, egl Archipelago, King of Winter and so on.  From those worlds not all are selected (only so many to fill the available chapters).

So basic problem is now, that when we complete the first chapter, the game has to "restart", but load the next world now, instead of the old one again.
DarkXero solved that by basically writing the next world in a file located in modfolder when doing the "adventurejump". When next world is loaded it reads that file, loads the correct world, and empties that file again.
In modworldgenmain I save this actual level (and chapter) in GLOBAL.CHAPTER_GEN and GLOBAL.OVERRIDELEVEL_GEN.
The problem is now, that modworldgenmain runs ~ 2 or 3 times at gamestart, and also when world is not generating 1 or 2 times.
Also modmain is running several times each gamestart.

But the file where the actual level is saved, does only exist directly when doing the worldjump. That means that GLOBAL.OVERRIDELEVEL_GEN is not usable each time we load the game (without generating a new world). Therefore a component attached to the world is saving that information instead. So now I have a cluttered system to get the actual world/chapter, which is only known after the world added and started their components.

The problem now is, that I don't 100% know when this component is successfully loaded.
Eg. for the AddPrefabPostInit with the wormholes, I did a "AddTaskPostInit" with DoTaskInTime of 0.05 seconds. Cause I thought the world and their components are initilaiied before all the prefabs. But obviously this is not true, cause level was unknown.  So now I do wait 0.5 seconds instead, wich is working. But in the PostInit of the world I now have to connect those wormholes I saved in GLOBAL variable in PostInit of wormholes. But I have to do it after I saved the wormholes, so I use DoTaskInTime of 1 second now.

The result is, everywhere were I need to know the actual level, has a "DoTaskInTime" with some seconds to wait. But what if for some reason the game takes longer to load the world components? And it really sucks to make sure that everywhere the seconds are increased if it depends on each other. I this is very error prone, cause I can also miss to increase the time for depending things (like the wormhole code) and not always an error is thrown.

All in all I don't like this and I hope there is a btter way of doing it...


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3 hours ago, Serpens said:

Are you interested in helping me to improve the code from the adventure mod?

Especially the level code is very poor..
It works like this:
In Adventure we have a "Chapter" from 0 to 6. And a Level (I call it Overridelevel, currently 1 to 8). The levels are all designed worlds we have, egl Archipelago, King of Winter and so on.  From those worlds not all are selected (only so many to fill the available chapters).

So basic problem is now, that when we complete the first chapter, the game has to "restart", but load the next world now, instead of the old one again.
DarkXero solved that by basically writing the next world in a file located in modfolder when doing the "adventurejump". When next world is loaded it reads that file, loads the correct world, and empties that file again.
In modworldgenmain I save this actual level (and chapter) in GLOBAL.CHAPTER_GEN and GLOBAL.OVERRIDELEVEL_GEN.
The problem is now, that modworldgenmain runs ~ 2 or 3 times at gamestart, and also when world is not generating 1 or 2 times.
Also modmain is running several times each gamestart.

But the file where the actual level is saved, does only exist directly when doing the worldjump. That means that GLOBAL.OVERRIDELEVEL_GEN is not usable each time we load the game (without generating a new world). Therefore a component attached to the world is saving that information instead. So now I have a cluttered system to get the actual world/chapter, which is only known after the world added and started their components.

The problem now is, that I don't 100% know when this component is successfully loaded.
Eg. for the AddPrefabPostInit with the wormholes, I did a "AddTaskPostInit" with DoTaskInTime of 0.05 seconds. Cause I thought the world and their components are initilaiied before all the prefabs. But obviously this is not true, cause level was unknown.  So now I do wait 0.5 seconds instead, wich is working. But in the PostInit of the world I now have to connect those wormholes I saved in GLOBAL variable in PostInit of wormholes. But I have to do it after I saved the wormholes, so I use DoTaskInTime of 1 second now.

The result is, everywhere were I need to know the actual level, has a "DoTaskInTime" with some seconds to wait. But what if for some reason the game takes longer to load the world components? And it really sucks to make sure that everywhere the seconds are increased if it depends on each other. I this is very error prone, cause I can also miss to increase the time for depending things (like the wormhole code) and not always an error is thrown.

All in all I don't like this and I hope there is a btter way of doing it...


Well, I will look into that when I get time.

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After endless trial and error, I finally found a way to disconnect the islands. However, it is quite a rough solution...

By the way, maybe you can save the next world into a file only when jumping to the next world, and read it in worldgenmain but do not delete it. the file will be better to be in the shard folder to prevent affecting other save slots.

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6 hours ago, ptr said:

After endless trial and error, I finally found a way to disconnect the islands. However, it is quite a rough solution...

By the way, maybe you can save the next world into a file only when jumping to the next world, and read it in worldgenmain but do not delete it. the file will be better to be in the shard folder to prevent affecting other save slots.

nice :) I did not expected anyone to find a solution for the island generation O.ô

Yes, only reason for deleting is to not affect other save slots. But is it save/possible to save in the shard folder? I would think if this would be possible DarkXero would have done this (sry egnlish is not my native, absolutely unsure if tense is correct :D) ... but of course even DarkXero may not think about every kind of solutions :D

Feel free to also contact me via PM with details or if you want to discuss public, maybe we should start a new thread, to better fit the topic :)

edit: Of course you can also participate directly at github with code improvements:

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