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Still looking for an experienced bro [CLOSED]

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EDIT : Since I didn't find how to erase this thread (If a moderator reads this, can you do it please?) I precise that I DONT FIND PEOPLE ANYMORE. Thanks dudes. CU!


Hey, i'm desperately looking for an experienced dude with at least 500 hours of playin', knowing some advanced tips that is active (i'm playing everyday) and from europe. You'll need a microphone so we can use a vocal program. Main objective would be to kill every bosses at least once and build a megabase with every good content in there. Just add me so we can discuss 'bout setpieces and mods directly in steam : dongianizoo.

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Well I have years of experience, have killed almost every boss. I am very good with building a megabase and even making it look awesome however unfortunately I would imagine you play on PC and well I am not a bro lol. However I am willing to give you ideas on building if you ever want. 

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