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Power consumption behavior unexpected

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I was working on some electrolyser settup the goal is having something self substainable in power consumption. My settup is working but I needed to have more than one electrolyser, possibly adding up to 10 of them and make them supply the water pump in power. Having one electrolyser / hydrogen generator supply the pump for two system works, but I would rather share the power load of the pump with all systems.

The issue I ran in was after connecting the power lines from both electrolyser my power consumption increased for no reason I can explain. The power consumption seems to double somehow.

here is an album I made with pics http://imgur.com/a/DrVXO


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You connected both Circuits with the Wirebridges between them. So from 2 1000Watt Circuits you went down to 1 with 1000 Watts. If you want to use your setup you'll have to connect everything either with heavy watt wire or add 1 transformer. With the 1 Transformer and some heavy watt wire: Have one part of the Setup connected directly to the heavywatt wire with a wire bridge and the second via the Transformer.

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I just responded to your post on Reddit, but might as well repeat here.

The issue seems to be that the report doesn't count Power Usage: Removed correctly. It only counts towards that when power is removed directly from a generator/transformer, and ignores batteries. So the reason you see it doubling is probably because the generators are not doing their short bursts at the same time, so you're seeing twice as much power being removed directly from them without a battery as an intermediary. I submitted a bug report on this with a save file demonstrating it and a suggested code fix.

Edit: To do the math on it, you produced 282 kg of oxygen. This means consuming 317 kg of water.

  • 31.7 s of uptime for the water pump (pumping 317 kg at 10 kg/s)
  • 634 s of combined uptime for the gas pumps (pumping 317 kg of gas at 0.5 kg/s)
  • 317 s of combined uptime for the electrolyzers (using 317 kg of water at 1 kg/s)

Of course, the pumps might actually run at slightly lower efficiency, but if they were perfect, then this would be about 198 kJ of power removed. So it's definitely under-reporting, and when you connected the two you got it to under-report slightly less by reducing how much it was drawing from the batteries.

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2 hours ago, rezecib said:

I just responded to your post on Reddit, but might as well repeat here.

The issue seems to be that the report doesn't count Power Usage: Removed correctly. It only counts towards that when power is removed directly from a generator/transformer, and ignores batteries. So the reason you see it doubling is probably because the generators are not doing their short bursts at the same time, so you're seeing twice as much power being removed directly from them without a battery as an intermediary. I submitted a bug report on this with a save file demonstrating it and a suggested code fix.

Edit: To do the math on it, you produced 282 kg of oxygen. This means consuming 317 kg of water.

  • 31.7 s of uptime for the water pump (pumping 317 kg at 10 kg/s)
  • 634 s of combined uptime for the gas pumps (pumping 317 kg of gas at 0.5 kg/s)
  • 317 s of combined uptime for the electrolyzers (using 317 kg of water at 1 kg/s)

Of course, the pumps might actually run at slightly lower efficiency, but if they were perfect, then this would be about 198 kJ of power removed. So it's definitely under-reporting, and when you connected the two you got it to under-report slightly less by reducing how much it was drawing from the batteries.

Thanks that makes sence now !

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