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atmo switch wont connect to power

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I have tried various configurations with trying to connect the atmo switch to power so I can have intermittent power to a gas pump. I run the wire straight through the atmo switch and it says it will not connect. I have done this before and it has worked just fine.



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It has no power because the atmo switch is off. That's why the line is red after the atmo switch.  Once the atmo switch triggers they'll receive power and begin to function.  Putting the filter on the same switch can potentially hold back gas you've already pumped though.

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Make sure the atmo switch is set up properly. And keep in mind that how it works is in fact disconnecting the circuit when the right conditions are met.

EDIT: If you want the filter to always be powered, connect it to the always powered wire and disconnect it from the wire coming from the atmo switch,

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Your wiring is fine. Click on the switch and check the parameters. There's a slider and two buttons.


By the way, you can only run the pump through the switch and keep the filter always powered. It will stop using power when it runs out of packets to process.

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