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What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?

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For me:

(I was really a noob when this happened)

 I'm walking along, when I start taking damage. I check my sanity, it's full. But I don't check my hunger.

I start running, thinking I'm being attacked. I still don't check my hunger. I am nearly dead. I keep running, I still don't check my hunger. I stop running, and FINIALLY, check my hunger.

Me: I'd better eat something.

I die.

Feel free to share your noob mistakes, and don't feel bad, because I'm still a noob who hasn't made it through winter. Most of you are laughing at me...

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Oh I've made so many dumb mistakes, LOL. I'll give you three short stories to enjoy: 


The first time I tracked a koalefant, it spawned in the middle of a tallbird fort. Since tallbirds aggro on everything, they immediately attacked the koalefant and killed it. I didn't know anything about tallbirds back in those days, and thought they would be like hounds and eat all the meat. So I ran into the middle of that fort and tried to gather my precious loot before they got to it. Rekt.


Standing next to a firepit at dusk, planning to wait out the night and go attack the walrus in the morning. Started talking to my partner, and neglected to pause the game or watch it in any way. Died to darkness =(


In the very early days, back when the game was still being developed, I didn't know there were seasons. I had this idea that biomes influenced the weather, and there was some sort of mountainous area where it got colder. The first time it started snowing, I thought I must be in that mountain biome, and tried to run away from it. Pretty sure I died 3 or 4 times that way before realizing it was actually winter.

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I forgot that pigs transformed during the full moon and decided to go pick their farms before grabbing Glommer. . .I had about 4-5 of them following me, which drained my sanity so fast and then I unluckily ran into some shadow monsters. This was before I got the attack timing of the Terror Beak down. Any time I stopped to hit something either the Beak or the pigs would get a free shot on me. RIP me.

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Funny you should ask because it happened to me today (when my thread gets approved, help me out would you?). I got some gunpowder and fed it to the sickly wormhole on the level in adventure mode - killing it. Now I'm stuck and I can't get to the next island :P.

I used console commands to scale up the size of a bee once.
Had lots of fun spawning in huge numbers of killerbees. 
Tried to imprison them once.

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There was this one time I was playing with two friends. We just started the server like, 20 minutes ago, and one of my friends had to go for a few minutes. So like, there was that Guardian pig surrounded by lots of berries. And for some stupid reason, I decided to grab a torch and put fire to the berry bushes to kill the pig. My other friend started panicking like:

"Did you just put fire to a bunch of FOOD??"

"I just wanted to kill the pig!"

"But it's FOOD, Mystik! We need that!"

(Note: At this point, all three of us had like... 5 to 10 hours of experience on the game only.)

And so all the berries burned and I go back there only to see the pig still alive. So I decided to fight it, thinking it was almost dead. It killed me. In annoyance, I decided to haunt the pig... and it transformed into a werepig. I told my friend to run, but the pig already aggro'd him. He ended dying after running in a circle, trying to grab my spear from my stuff, for 2 minutes. My other friend came back to a forest on fire, a werepig, and two ghosts. I couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous I had been.

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On my first day I straight run into a killerbee biome

On my second day I tried out what would happen in darkness

I also got really afraid of poor and innocent beefalo, it took me 15 days until I had enough courage to come close to them

When I got the giant warning for the first time I just waited at my basement


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When I started playing a long time ago... I thought it would be a good idea to make my base LITERALLY right next to a touchstone and i died, got revived and when the lightning hit the touchstone it burned down my whole base...


at least i was alive doe

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