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The Complete WX-78 Saga

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The Complete WX-78 Saga. Following the events of the Webber Saga which you can read here.

A series of fictional Don't Starve Together stories. From WX-78's perspective. 
Part I -Armageddon 
From WX-78's point of view following Aftermath
They never expected a meat effigy down here, I thought to myself. I revived at my fail safe cave base. It had a chest, crock pot, and an ice box. The meat effigy was beside a light flower, and lying beside the chest, still in the darkness, was the Krampus Sack. I had been sure to load the ice box with provisions if my plan went horribly wrong and I was forced to retreat down here. I quickly withdrew my supplies from the chest: moggles, water balloons, a stack of killed bees, and my personal favourite, sleep darts. The Krampus Sack also had stuff, blow darks, grass, twigs, and other goodies. But I had to move quickly, soon that Wes, smarter than most, would be coming for his sack. 
I knew I couldn't win a war between us, since he had a small army with him. They had even bested my brilliant dragonfly trap, I knew that I had to even the odds. And what better way than to call in some backup? After two quick skype messages, two of my friends quickly joined me. They had joined, one as Wigfrid and the other as Wolfgang. They were under instructions to gather supplies and stay near the portal, I just needed some other things before I met them. I quickly began the trek to the surface, but I saw something unexpected. It was a Wickerbottom and Wendy exploring the caves together. Luckily, I was wearing my trusty moggles. Wickerbottom had a lantern, and Wendy had a pickaxe, they were obviously looking for the Krampus Sack. 
I could have let them find my empty base, and avoided detection with my moggles, but I decided to send Wes a message. Creeping around just outside of their lantern range, I waited, and eventually they built a campfire to cook some food. Now was my time to strike, I dropped a light bulb and quickly stepped away. My plan was a success, Wendy drew a torch and went to investigate while Wickerbottom kept cooking food. Once Wendy picked up the bulb, I threw two water balloons, extinguishing the fire. Wendy rushed back to Wickerbottom, who drew her lantern, but I quickly fired two blow darts, killing Wickerbottom. Wendy tried to run, but her torch's low light radius allowed me to catch and kill her with my spear. The two ghosts quietly floated away, probably back to the surface to revive at the portal. I looted them, although they didn't have anything of value. I did grab all their food though. Meanwhile, my two friends had been doing quite well, they had got their hands on a volt goat horn, which was part of my master plan. 
The two of them were science grinding, but it was hard considering it was the middle of summer. I gathered some gold from the caves and went to the surface, where I saw in chat Wes and co were planning to hunt me down and get the Krampus Sack back. Fortunately, they didn't know I now had some teammates. I journeyed to the surface and met my accomplices at the portal. Wigfrid had made a morning star out of the volt goat horn, which was all part of my final plan, only a few more steps until we could go on the offensive. We waited until the end of summer, gathering resources, and hiding from Wes and co. There were some close calls, but we gathered the supplies we needed, and Wolfgang found a base. Not Wes' personal base, but the base of the people he was using to hunt me down. It was pretty fortified, and there were spiders everywhere outside of it. If we attacked, the Webber who lived there could quickly summon a spider army to deal with us. Forcing our way into the base was impossible, so we would have to use an elaborate plan.
First, we had to deal with the spiders, so we gathered about 25 killer bees. We prepared gunpowder for the walls, and, with a lot of trading, Wigfrid managed to get her hands on a weather pain. I grabbed the last thing we would need, a fire staff, and we set off to the base. Once we were a safe distance away, we set up a little campsite, with a tent and crock pot. We planned our assault: We would place the killer bees to deal with the spiders, then we would use the gunpowder on the walls. Once that was done, we would use the weather pain to destroy the flingomatics, while I used the fire staff to burn down the base. After the base was burning, we would quickly loot the chests and then escape before backup arrived. As day broke we got into position. We carefully lured the spiders and distracted them with killer bees. But, one of the tier 3 nests turned into a spider queen, something I hadn't prepared for. We continued the plan, I had Wolfgang plant the gunpowder, but the spiders had quickly killed all the bees. Before Wolfgang could detonate the explosives, the queen and her minions attacked my ally. 
I used my fire staff on the queen, but by now Wendy had come to investigate. Things were falling apart. Fortunately the flaming queen had blown up the wall, but Wolfgang was so low on health he had to retreat. Wigfrid ran through the ruined wall and attacked Wendy, but Wendy quickly called in Wilson, who was tending the drying racks, for backup. She didn't had time to explain what was going on though, so we still had the element of surprise. I distracted the queen with a boomerang, I hoped to lure it into the base so it would fight our enemies for us. I managed to lure her into the base, but Wilson arrived in full battle armour. He quickly charged me, clad in a football helmet and a log suit.  
If I backed up, the queen and her spiders would kill me, and if I fought Wilson, the queen would still kill me. Fortunately, I was prepared. I spammed sleep darts at Wilson and left him to be spider food while I ran into the base remembering how much I love sleep darts. Meanwhile, Wolfgang had still been helpful, he ran to the back of the base and broke the walls down, making us an escape exit. Wigfrid was chasing Wendy, but Webber had arrived near the front of the base. He quickly recruited an army from the queen's horde and charged into the base with his seven spiders. I fled from his army into the base, where Wigfrid had already destroyed two of the five flingomatics. I instructed Wolfgang to hammer down the remaining flingomatics while Wigfrid and I dealt with Webber. Wigfrid fired two tornadoes from the weather pain, crippling the spider army and forcing Webber and his reduced army of three spiders into melee combat with me. But in the process giving Wendy enough time to grab the bird from the birdcage and murder it, summoning Abigail.
Wigfrid was quickly flanked by a returning Wendy, now with Abigail. The valkyrie was being stunlocked but I had to deal with Webber first. We engaged in combat. He had superior gear, but I had teammates. It was an even battle, neither of us able to kite the other, but I had to act quickly. Wolfgang alerted me that Wickerbottom had arrived and was chasing him, while Wigfrid had managed to escape from being stunlocked, but was now on the run. If Wes arrived with his gear we were surely doomed. But it was almost night. If I could stall until night, which was only two clock segments away, I could finish this fight. I used my fire staff on Webber, but he charged me. I got two hits on him, but his spiders hit me multiple times and I backed up. Night fell, and Webber drew a torch and followed in pursuit. But I had enough distance to plant a bee mine, and Webber walked right into it. The bee mine would hopefully distract him long enough for me to help Wigfrid. I ran after Wendy with my moggles on, and I threw my boomerang at Abigail. With the ghost distracted, Wigfrid turned around and caught Wendy by surprise, getting almost a dozen hits before Wendy escaped. But Wendy wouldn't go far, in her haste she ran into the night without a torch, and when she stopped to make one Wigfrid killed her with a blow dart. Webber came running over to Abigail, who was in hot pursuit of me. But Webber misclicked, a fatal error. He attacked Abigail with his torch, causing her to aggro on him instead. As Webber battled the ghost, I regrouped with Wigfrid and we destroyed the remaining flingomatics. 
Wolfgang had managed to outrun Wickerbottom, and was back at the base waiting for us. Day began, and I knew we needed to get out of here. We only really had one option though, to torch the base and flee. But that wasn't what I wanted, I wanted to loot the chests, and just torching the base wouldn't be a real victory. I wasn't sure what to do, fight the odds just to loot the base, or torch it and run? I told Wigfrid to stall Webber while I looted the chests. I ran over and began searching, taking nightmare fuel, purple gems and any of their magical items. I ran over to the shadow manipulator, making one of my favourite toys: the Telelocator Staff. Wigfrid was winning a melee battle with Webber, but Wes was going to arrive soon. I quickly made the staff, and I used my fire staff to light part of the base aflame. Webber had managed to out-kite Wigfrid and forced Wigfrid to the centre of the base. Wes had arrived and was blocking the escape hole our strongman had made with Wickerbottom. 
We were trapped, if we fled through the entrance, the queen would catch us, but if we fled through the exit Wolfgang made, Wes would catch us. But, then Wes offered us a deal. If we gave him the Krampus Sack, we could go free. I normally would never give up the sack I worked so hard to steal, but the situation looked grim. I debated using the Telelocator Staff, but only one of us could escape. Wigfrid had been essential to this plan, and leaving her behind was out of the question. But if I saved her, I would be killed by Wes' ranged weaponry. When it was clear Wes knew that we wouldn't give him the sack, I used the Telelocator Staff on Wes, teleporting him to some unknown location. 
Wigfrid and I battled valiantly against our two opponents, but they found hard as well. We eventually forced Webber to retreat and killed Wickerbottom. We quickly went over to the chests and grabbed some of the remaining loot. There wasn't anything particularly good, but we grabbed all the gold and some of the food. We didn't waste time torching the rest of the base, although we had only burned the drying racks, we knew Webber would soon return. As dusk fell, we ran through the exit in the wall back to our temporary base. Back at our tiny safe-house, we spent the night recovering and preparing to descend back into the caves. As day broke, we made our way back to the sinkhole. We had won the day, bested the odds and lived. Although I felt our victory was mostly luck, perhaps this would not be my last encounter with Wes...
Part II - Liberators 
Some time after the events of Armageddon...
I joined an Endless PvP server with my two friends. It was a pretty populated one, having 17 players on. The server settings had everything essential for new spawns (flint, grass, twigs etc) turned on to lots. In addition, it had a mod that regenerated the world. This was a truly endless server, and the three of us joined. I chose WX-78, and my friends chose Wickerbottom and Wigfrid, we joined just late into summer. After the first three days we spent gathering, it was evident that the world was not normal. There should have been much more resources with everything set to lots and a world regeneration. But we didn't find our answer until early autumn. We were setting up a small base, we had a science machine, crock pot and we're building some chests when a Wendy approached our base and asked to stay for the night. This Wendy had some good gear, she had a piggyback and walking cane, so she had obviously been playing for quite a while. Through the night Wigfrid decided to boast about out accomplishments to the newcomer, telling her we could kill anybody in our way. 
"Not The King" was her response. She quickly explained that "The King" had been on the server since it started. She told us he was a fully upgraded WX-78 who made a giant fortress around the Pig King. "Is that why he's called 'The King'?" Wickerbottom asked. Wendy explained that it was because he was the only person on the server with a thulecite crown. He was apparently a tyrant who had destroyed all of the Ancient Pseudoscience stations, and he had an army of 8 or 9 people guarding his base. I dismissed this as an exaggeration, but Wendy was persistent. That's when I realized most of the resources must have been relocated inside of The King's base. In order to fit all of those resources, Wendy must have been telling at least part of the truth.
Once Wendy left in the morning, we made a plan. We would dethrone The King and liberate the server from his tyranny. I went myself to scout the base, while I left my teammates to continue gathering and expanding our base. I asked in chat for some directions and quickly found the base. Now I've built some pretty good bases in my day, but this place was something else. It had one entrance, and the base took up server all screens. This wasn't just some casual base, this was a hardcore, coordinated fortress. The only entrance had two Wolfgang's standing guard, they quickly warned me to stay out of the base and not to come too close. The base was surrounded by stone walls, and the base probably had a dozen ice flingomatics. I could see rows and rows of stuff in the base. There were at least 40 chests and 8 ice boxes. They had more drying racks than I could count, and they had huge grass, twig and berry farms. There were three people manning the ice boxes, cooking food on the 30 crockpots and organizing the ice boxes. The pig king must have been in the dead centre of the base, because I couldn't see it from the outside. This was not going to be an easy feat liberating this place. 
Night quickly fell as I was circling the outside of the base, and I made a little campfire to spend the night. Meanwhile Wigfrid and Wickerbottom had added a chest and some drying racks to our little base. They had also located the person with Chester, who seemed to be able to access The King's base whenever he wanted. I quickly formulated part of my master plan. We needed fire and sleep darts, so I told Wigfrid to build lots of bird traps. As day broke I continued circling the base, and I headed back to meet Wigfrid. Our base was progressing well, we spent the rest of autumn gathering  the things essential to our plan. By the start of winter we had some fire darts, sleep darts, 9 gunpowder, and log suits and spears. We were doing pretty well, and that night I told my plan to my teammates. First, we would get through the entrance, killing the guards. Next, we would drop some killer bees in the base as a distraction, maybe light part of the base on fire for added effect. Then, we would grab any goods in the chests and get out before the rest of the base could arrive. Wickerbottom thought we should storm the base, but I reasoned that to liberate the server we would need to start small and get enough resources to make ourselves stronger. Once we were stronger, we would be able to kill The King and destroy the base. 
We prepared our spears and armour, and went to the base. We camped about a screen away from the base, and as the morning camp and the Wilson who had Chester emerged, we followed him. Eventually, as it was dusk and Wilson was returning to the base, Chester got stuck on some trees. I quickly stole all the stuff from him and loaded him with my 9 gunpowder. We followed behind Wilson, and as he passed the two Wolfgang's and started dumping stuff in a chest, I shot Chester with 4 blow darts, followed by a fire dart. Chester died, but since he died to a fire dart, the gunpowder began smouldering. Wilson realized what was happening a second to late. He ran over just to have the gunpowder explode and kill him. 
The Wolfgang's charged. I dispatched Wigfrid to deal with one of the guards while Wickerbottom and I fought the other. The Wolfgang was a skilled fighter, but he was no match for us. We quickly killed him and left Wigfrid to deal with the other one. I told Wickerbottom to check the chests while I went over to the ice boxes, we had to move quickly, reinforcements would arrive quickly. I grabbed two stacks of jerky from the first ice box, then I hammered it down and grabbed the precious gear. While I was hammering the third ice box a Wendy came and attacked me. 
It was obvious she just cooked food on the crock pots though, since she was awful at kiting and I quickly eliminated her. After I broke the fourth ice box, I just torched the row of crock pots. I didn't want to push my luck by staying here too long. Meanwhile, Wickerbottom had searched the chests, but they were full of grass, twigs, and other junk. Wigfrid had hammered the flingomatics near the entrance, so my crock pot fire wouldn't be interrupted. Night fell, and we slipped out of the base under the cover of the night. I grabbed the eye bone on my way out. This was a minor victory, but it was only the beginning. 
Part III -Tyrant
We returned to the base celebrating our victory. Even if it was a minor one, I had big plans for this eye bone. We had a feast of victory, cooking six meatballs. Not the most impressive feast, but we had to save our jerky for later. Even though we had 40 jerky, it would fly by quickly healing various battle wounds. The King and his minions were probably furious at losing the eye bone, but I had a brilliant idea. I typed into chat telling the world I would be willing to trade the eye bone for rare supplies. Immediately one of the Wolfgang's from the fortress offered to pay a huge amount for it. After some negotiations, we settled on: 15 gold, 10 living logs, 10 nightmare fuel, and 3 purple gems. But, only on the condition we trade near a sinkhole near spawn, and they neither of us were armed. 
I sensed a trap, but this was going to have a big payout of it worked. The trade was scheduled for tomorrow, so we prepared our weaponry and armour for the battle I suspected would happen. The next morning we set out to the sinkhole. We got there, and as promised stood a Woodie in a top hat beside a chest. Once we approached, he told me to give him the eye bone (which still hadn't spawned Chester). The Woodie was unarmed, so I seriously considered killing him and bolting with the loot from the chest. I had Wickerbottom and Wigfrid surround him in case he tried to make a break for it. Woodie seemed to sense what I was doing and reminded me that this was a peaceful trade, and that I was to remain unarmed. I proceed to open the chest, probably not the most polite move, but I wasn't too concerned about diplomacy. It had nine rot in it, one in each slot.
Woodie must have given a signal of some sort, because on cue, the two Wolfgang's we battled at the fort emerged from the sinkhole. They were armed with dark swords and nightmare armour, and Woodie drew a dark sword and equipped his own pair of nightmare armour. I guess they weren't messing around anymore. I knew this was a trap, I just didn't know they we're going to be this diplomatic. We engaged our heavily armed foes, but we were outgunned. We tried to fight, Wickerbottom and Wigfrid battled the Wolfgang's while I clashed with Woodie. We were both pretty even at kiting, but he had an edge with his better gear. Our party was forced to retreat, and we ran over to spawn. Luckily, there were five new spawns near the portal. They had set up a little base, with a fire pit and chest. More importantly, the base had a Webber, two Willow's and two Wigfrid's. We ran right through their base with Woodie and co hot on our heels. Like many new spawns, the Willow's and Wigfrid's attacked the nightmare wielding trespassers with no regard for their own lives.
They were quickly killed, but it gave us enough time to run far enough away and jump through a wormhole. We lost them, but now we were far away from our base and it was late autumn. We needed to get back and prepare for winter. If we went though the wormhole, surely they would find us, so we took a detour. It took us two days to get back to our base, and it was two more days until winter. But when we did get back, our base had been torched. The only thing that was unburnt was sign, obviously placed by the culprit. I examined the sign, it read: "You should have given us the eye bone". It had no signature, but Woodie had obviously found our base and placed the sign. We needed to strike back. I sent Wigfrid into the caves to gather glow berries, we would need moggles. Wolfgang and I crafted a new science machine and made winter hats.
We spent the first few days of winter preparing. By the second day we had gathered gold for an alchemy engine, and eventually Wigfrid returned and we made two pairs of moggles. About halfway through winter, we had all the supplies we needed to launch our assault on The King's base. The day of the attack, we arrived at the base at dusk, and we had all our gear. I had armour, but I was wearing a puffy vest for maximum warmth. Once night fell, the three of us donned our moggles and infiltrated the base. Our first obstacle was the Wolfgang's at the entrance, so we dropped a light bulb and once they went to investigate we slipped past them. I sent Wolfgang to hammer down the ice boxes while me and Wigfrid continued. I was glad winter nights were so long, otherwise my plan wouldn't have been possible. We spotted another campfire closer inside the base, it was surrounded by Woodie, two Wendy's and a Wilson. I guessed these must be the people who cook the crock pot food, except for Woodie. Wigfrid and I continued to the centre of the base. 
We found the Pig King, and a occupied tent beside him. But more importantly was the chests near the Pig King. We opened them and they had all sorts of goodies. We grabbed a bunch of gold and gems. Wigfrid continued looting the chests, but I approached the tent. I light it on fire with my torch, and as it began to smoulder it's occupant emerged. It was a WX-78 wearing a thulecite crown. 
Part IV -The Blazing Trail
Day came just a second after The King emerged from the tent. I hoped Wolfgang had gotten out of the base, because they would find him if he wasn't. Wigfrid was still a screen away looting chests. The King slowly drew a thulecite club, then dropped his backpack to reveal a thulecite suit. I wanted him to make the first move so he would I could kite him, but he just stood there. Then, Chester came hopping towards me. He must have respawned during the night. The King decided to take diplomatic action, "Why did you burn our crock pots?" he asked. 
I didn't really have a legitimate answer for that. Was I going to tell him I did it out of spite? I decided to answer with another question, "Why did you burn down my base?". While I was typing, he could have taken the opportunity to kill me, but he didn't. Though based on Woodie's "diplomacy" I wasn't sure I trusted The King. But, he answered my question. "Woodie burnt down your base because you attacked us first. I mean, I understand this is a PvP server, but seriously dude?". I was afraid if he started an angry rant I was going to starve before it ended, but I didn't really see a way out of this. "Your a tyrant! There aren't any Pseudoscience stations left because of you!" I told him. The King retorted, "Who told you that? I made a base near them for anyone to use!". I had a sinking feeling about this conversation. 
The King started debunking my claims, "I made this base and let all the new players join, and you came and lit it on fire! I'm training the new players so people like you don't ruin this game for them!". That was a real insult, and I was out of polite things to say. Then Wigfrid came walking over and saw The King. But, unfortunately The King saw her. "Gee, thanks. While you and me were chatting you sent your sidekick to loot my base. That's real nice" he commented, obviously filled with anger. It was then I realized all this time we were in the wrong. The Wendy had set us up. It wasn't worth telling The King, since he would dismiss it as a lie. I didn't know the username of the Wendy, but I had a very strong feeling of who it was. I decided I would have to force my way out of this conversation. Fighting was out of the question with The King, so like any proud Don't Starve Together player, I ran for my life. The King was probably in the middle of typing something, since it took him about three seconds to realize we were running. Wigfrid and I ran and broke down a wall. We had a head start on The King, but he was using a walking cane to catch up with us. 
Once we were outside the base, we started to run to the nearest wormhole, but The King had caught up with us. We double-teamed him, but his gear made it very difficult to effectively kite him. We had both started to freeze by now, and we needed to think of something fast. I had Wigfrid distract him for a minute while I ran over to some nearby trees. I lit as many of them on fire as I could, and then I had Wigfrid run into the slowly spreading fire with me and escape through the trees. The King quickly followed, but by now the trail behind us had really started burning. As we ran, the fire spread to the trees behind us, meaning he would have to run through a lot of fire to catch us. Luckily, he had no method of putting out the fire, since he was chasing us in a mad rush. Eventually, after a couple turns, we had managed to escape. I hadn't seen Wolfgang's death message, so I used chat to talk to him. He had manage to escape with a lot of food, and was hiding out in a desert. In out mad dash we had ended up in the Dragonfly's biome. The boss didn't seem to be around though, so perhaps we were safe. 
That night at our fire, I discussed the plan with my teammates. We would have to regroup with Wolfgang and get revenge on Wendy, all while avoiding The King's forces. First we had to find Wendy, then we would need to prepare for the fight against her. As day broke we regrouped with Wolfgang at spawn. Winter would only last a few more days, so we wouldn't have to worry about clothing for much longer. Hopefully, we could find Wendy while it was winter, so she wouldn't be able to run for long before freezing once we caught up to her. We began the hunt, first by asking around in chat. Turns out she didn't have a base and just wandered the map, so we searched the most appealing biomes for a nomad to visit. Unfortunately, while we were visiting a swamp, we ran into Woodie and his two sidekicks, a Wilson and Webber. Woodie ordered his lackeys to attack, and drew his dark sword.
I battled Woodie myself, while Wigfrid and Wolfgang dealt with the other two. Woodie still had the same set of nightmare armour from when I duelled him earlier. That made fighting him a lot harder, and when I began to lose, I decided to change my fighting style. As he chased me deeper into the swamp, I managed to get one hit on him, but took two hits myself. But my plan succeeded, as he hit me, a tentacle popped up and hit him twice. He must have been using the forced attack key, because he hit the tentacle instead of me. I capitalized and hit him, stun-locking him between me and the tentacle. By now Wolfgang and Wigfrid had already slain Woodie's compatriots, and they rushed over to kill the tentacle and finish Woodie off. After Woodie died, I realized he must have alerted The King, and he was probably already coming here with some allies. We hurried across the swamp, attempting to evade the coming forces. But as we were running across the swamp, we saw the Wendy. She panicked and ran when she saw us, but not fast enough for me to mouse over her username and confirm my suspicions. We were dealing with someone much more dangerous than The King. We were dealing with Wes. 
Part V -Rightful King
We began chasing Wendy as soon as she started to flee. We chased her deeper into the swamp, and dusk began to fall. Night would be here soon, but we could continue the chase into the night. We suspected Wendy might not be able to escape us, since Wigfrid and I still had our moggles. We continued chasing her into the swamp, running past countless tentacles, spiders and merms. But as she tried to make a turn to the left in an attempt to escape, we ran into The King. We all stopped, just for a moment. The King wasn't along either, he had four of his minions with him. A Webber, the two Wolfgang's and a Wilson. 
As we stopped, night fell. What followed was an insane melee. Wigfrid and I donned our moggles, but nobody else could see anything. It was a mix of boomerangs, torch melee and tentacles. I tried to coordinate with Wickerbottom in order to have her escape, but she died after being killed by a tentacle. The chat was filled with death messages, but I was too focused on tried to stay out of the melee. We told Wickerbottom to go revive herself at the portal, since it was too risky to attempt to deliver a heart. I imagined there was a ton of friendly fire, but as morning came, all the tentacles had been killed. 
Wilson and Webber stood beside The King as ghosts, and Wendy was nowhere to be seen, though a sixth sense told me she still lived. It was once again Wigfrid and I battling against The King. This battle was different, because this time The King was prepared. He hit us both with a fire staff, and started spamming blow darts. We couldn't fight back, so we attempted a retreat. The King switched to an ice staff and froze us both. We couldn't escape, and now we were at the mercy of The King. But, as all seemed lost, The King was hit by several sleep darts from behind. Wendy had returned, and had looted most of the gear off the corpses. She approached The King, who was downed, and placed six gunpowder beside him. She walked backwards and drew a fire staff.
I remembered using this same tactic against Wes long ago, though I didn't think I had been so slow and deliberate. The two of us were almost free from the ice, only seconds remained until we were free. As Wendy lit the gunpowder, the ice broke and we were both freed. But I hesitated, I wasn't sure what to do. If I saved The King, he would probably turn on me later, but if I didn't save him Wendy would get the thelecite gear and be unstoppable. I decided to save The King, even knowing he may return for revenge, I couldn't risk Wendy getting thelecite equipment. I tossed a single water ballon and extinguished the gunpowder. We charged at Wendy, forcing her to fall back. Wigfrid briefly chased Wendy, but after our battle we were in no condition for an extended pursuit.
I looted any of the valuables Wendy hadn't taken, which included some gold and  meatballs. We fled before The King woke up, and when we got far enough away we built a campfire for the night. Wickerbottom was en route to our location, and we ate most of the jerky I had been saving since the raid on The King's base to heal up. I stored some of the excess loot in Chester, who had still been loyalty following me. We had to continue our hunt for Wendy, and I was sure The King would likely be hunting her as well. Spring came the next day, and we regrouped with Wickerbottom. We spent the next few days gearing up to hunt down Wendy. By the time we were ready, Wickerbottom had each of her books, and I now had an ice staff. Wigfrid had nightmare armour and we all had dark swords. But, then a Wolfgang approached the base we had built to get our nightmare gear. It was one of the two guard Wolfgang's we had fought before. He told us in a whisper he came in peace and that he wanted to help us kill Wendy. 
He told us the plan was to trap her in a walled area in the Dragonfly's biome, where they wouldn't be disturbed. He claimed his The King's forces had already found Wendy's base, and that they needed us to chase her into the trap. I was skeptical as usual, since our diplomatic efforts with The King hadn't worked out so well in the past, but we agreed. I wanted payback on Wendy, and this was the best way to get it. Wolfgang showed us Wendy's base in the morning, Wendy herself was probably out picking grass or something. Wolfgang left, presumably to go to the dragonfly's biome, and we waited at the base until dusk, when Wendy returned. Once she saw us she immediately started running. We managed to lead her in the direction of the trap. Night fell, but we all donned our moggles and continued. She might have escaped if there were only two of us, but with out superior numbers we managed to lead a torch wielding Wendy to the Dragonfly's biome. 
Day broke as she found herself trapped in a large stone pen, with us guarding the only exit and The King and his minions on the inside. She realized she had been trapped, but it was too late. Then, I heard a growl. It wasn't hounds, but it was something much worse. Somehow, on the last day of winter, a Deerclops had spawned and would quickly be upon us. The King was inside the pen with Woodie and the two Wolfgang's. The King moved a little closer to Wendy, who stayed still. It seemed The King hadn't noticed the growl of the Deerclops, but we had a bigger problem on our hands. The Dragonfly was approaching. We stood our ground as the Dragonfly approached, fearful if we moved Wendy would escape. But, when the Dragonfly hit Wickerbottom, The King as his troops sprung into action. Woodie and The King charged Wendy, while the Wolfgang's attacked the Dragonfly. Then the Deerclops came thundering onto the screen. 
It broke the walls, and Wendy bolted through the open gap. Woodie gave chase while The King battled the Deerclops with his gear. I had Wickerbottom and Wigfrid fight the Dragonfly while I helped chase Wendy. I caught up to Woodie, only to had Wendy turn around and draw and ice staff. She froze Woodie, and I tossed my boomerang in a futile attempt to stop her, but I was frozen too. Meanwhile, the Dragonfly had managed to kill both Wolfgang's, and Wickerbottom and Wigfrid were running away from the larvae. The Dragonfly then attacked The King from behind, and despite his thulecite gear, he couldn't fight two bosses at once. He stood there, taking hits from both bosses, but when his thulecite crown invincibility activated, he used a pan flute to put both bosses to sleep. The automation finished off the Deerclops with his club, and ran to off to catch Wendy. 
Woodie and I broke free of our icy restraints, and we continued in the general direction Wendy had run off in. We found her looting the corpses of the Wolfgang's. This time, her ice staff broke as she tried to freeze Woodie, and I got much closer while she cast the spell. She was still out of melee range, but just barely. I told Wigfrid and Wickerbottom to meet up with me, and I continued to the chase. She ran back inside of the ruined pen, and engaged in melee combat with me. She was better at kiting, but it was my turn to use an ice staff. I froze her and waited for Woodie and The King to catch up to me. The three of us stood around a frozen Wendy. She had thawed once, but I had refrozen her. Then Wickerbottom and Wigfrid entered the pen, and I realized I had finally won. 
Although I had set out to dethrone The King, I had ended up killing somebody equally, or perhaps even more dangerous. The King decided to have the last laugh. The robot placed a small stack of six gunpowder beside a frozen Wendy, and we all stepped back. He drew a fire staff, and lit the gunpowder. 
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