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Help, Item That Changes Stats

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Then you want to attach the line to the function that gets run when the teleport thing is used.

And pass a parameter to make caster equal the player entity that is using the thing.


I can't really know unless I know what thing is that teleport thing.

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im trying to make rasmus teleport on right click, but i was trying in it in an item, also trying to make hounds dont attack ted when his mask is on

Edited by Fredson
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Well, there are many ways to blink. The difficult part here is that rasmus is not an equippable item.

So we have to tie the action to the character when he has certain properties.

Pretty much like how Woodie gains the gnaw action on werebeaver transformation.


I'm going to abuse the fact that an item with the blinkstaff component exists.


The Ted thing is easy.

-- for Tedinst:AddTag("houndfriend")-- for Richardinst:RemoveTag("houndfriend")

Rasmus is tricky, we are going to use the blink of the staff, so your sanity line won't be needed.

-- for Rasmusinst:DoTaskInTime(0, function()	local self = inst.components.playeractionpicker	self.rightclickoverride = function(inst, target, position)		local actions = {}		if not target and position then			table.insert(actions, ACTIONS.RASMUSFLY)		end		return self:SortActionList(actions, position)	endend)-- for Richardinst:DoTaskInTime(0, function()    local self = inst.components.playeractionpicker    self.rightclickoverride = nilend)

Now, we added the RASMUSFLY action for the player when he becomes rasmus, like when Woodie becomes werebeaver.



In modmain:

local RASMUSFLY = AddAction("RASMUSFLY", "Poof here", function(act)	local faketele = GLOBAL.SpawnPrefab("orangestaff")	act.doer.AnimState:PlayAnimation("jump_pre")	act.doer.AnimState:PushAnimation("jump", false)	act.doer:DoTaskInTime(19 * GLOBAL.FRAMES, function()		faketele.components.blinkstaff:Blink(act.pos, act.doer)		faketele:Remove()		act.doer.AnimState:PlayAnimation("jumpout")	end)	return trueend)RASMUSFLY.instant = true

I spawn a dummy orange staff, and use its blinkstaff properties to teleport.

I also use the wormhole animations to make a cool disappearance act.


I saw the item you were talking about.

The remote control of the deadpool mod, right?

The sanity line goes inside

inst.components.blinkstaff.onblinkfn = function(item, position, caster)   -- Here goes the line, reducing the caster sanityend
Edited by DarkXero
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so it will spawn the staff for he to use or it just like a replacement ? and yes it was the deadpool teleport device, i got it working :)) now im working his dynamite and in the masks :D

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ok here's rasmus code

if mask == "rasmus" then        -- normal stats overriden        inst.components.health.maxhealth = 100        inst.components.health:DoDelta(0)        inst.components.hunger.max = 100        inst.components.hunger:DoDelta(0)        inst.components.sanity.max = 100        inst.components.sanity:DoDelta(0)        inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_WALK_SPEED * 1.1)        inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_RUN_SPEED * 1.1)        inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 1.0        inst.components.combat.defaultdamage = 10                  -- special mask stats that must be overriden when normalizing        inst.rasmus = true        inst:ListenForEvent("killed", onkilled)

where should i put the inst:DoTaskInTime(0, function()


ive already added rasmusfly to the modmain.lua

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error loading module 'components/maskswitch' from file '..\mods\Jacket\scripts\components/maskswitch.lua':

[string "cannot OLDFILEACCESSMETHOD @..\mods\Jacket\scripts\components/m..."]:102: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 90) near 'local'


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@Fredson, I replicated the issue with the right click. I'm looking into it.


However, I never crash, do you friends have a xbox controller or are they playing with keyboard and mouse?

Or what are they doing? Just entering the server?

Entering the server for first time or second time?

Edited by DarkXero
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