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I don't think I've seen this thread type yet (mostly just cannibalism and PVP) so I thought I'd make it.


What sort of things would you like to see in the DST Trailer? I'm assuming there's going to be one and after how wonderful the Reign of Giants one was, I'd really be surprised if they just sort of... ninja'd it out with just a poster. :p 

Maybe Wilson building the door and having someone walk through it like the comic we put together (were those keyframes? Storyboard panels? ehhh?) and then it shows their blundering through the world, both good and bad. 



<two characters working together to build a structure>



<said structure is pushed on one of the characters> 


Let's hear what you guys think could happen! :D 

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Don't Starve Together: super teaser 2014.

I need you guys to have an excellent sense of imagination for this to work. Just imagine the person transforming is Woodie, and everyone else can be random Don't Starve characters I don't care. Just imagine they are all standing at main base.

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I want an animated trailer


Maybe of Maxwell and Wilson being mad at eachother and then something attacking them and having to work together to defeat it.


idk I just want more animation.

I can imagine Wilson and Maxwell yelling at each other in their own vocal instruments and it eventually breaks out into a slap fight. In the middle of the fight they are then interrupted by a Bearger looming over them and it proceeds to chase them through a Birchnut forest while they are running and screaming.


They finally realize after running for a bit that they need to work together in order to defeat the Bearger and manage to get away from it to formulate a plan to take it down. They then put said plan into action: Maxwell distracts the Bearger with himself and his shadow clones while Wilson prepares a gunpowder trap.


Maxwell leads the Bearger near the trap after his shadow clones are defeated and Wilson lights it just before he gets there, just as the Bearger is about to get blown up, they both take cover and the loud explosion occurs.


Both of them get up and brush themselves off afterward. Wilson sheepishly extends his hand to Maxwell as a sign of good will and Maxwell hesitantly shakes it with a smug smile on his face while keeping his other hand behind his back with his fingers crossed.


That's how I'd hope to see an animated/comic trailer play out or something along those lines.

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I just want 2 types of trailers (or both made into 1 trailer, doesn't matter).


 A trailer of gameplay (showing off the mechanics such as chat, ghosts dying and resurrecting, etc) ending with players typing in chat and activating the Teleportato or nuzzled up by a camp fire with a huge base surrounding them.


 An animated trailer showing Wilson after opening the door shows the characters from the door entering Wilson's world and looking around then being sent to a new island and are greeted by Maxwell. This then cuts to the trailer showing the character gathering materials, doing basic resource gathering. That's my input for an animated trailer

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More than anything, I would like another puzzle and/or some backstories. Part of why Don't Starve is such an awesome game is because of the varied characters and the lore behind everything.


I'm not demanding answers--heck, I don't want answers to everything--but I felt like the William Carter puzzles were leading up to something. I don't consider the last puzzle to be the end of the intermission, because it didn't have a story attached. It was just an awesome way to tell us about multiplayer. 


Crossing my fingers for animation.

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It should be more like.


"Survive with each other."


(Several characters build a base over a period of time.)


"Or work alone."


(A player with a fire staff burns down the base, and the other players kill him/her.)


"Whatever the case, Don't Starve... Together."


(The screen goes to the date, but the music stops, and a eerie moaning sound is heard.)




Throw in a puzzle, and you're set. Obviously more features would be shown, but you get the gist.

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I would just take the official trailer and change the footage for multiplayer footage.


For example:


*don't play with fire*

Wendy comes in and flings her fire staff at Wolfgang, then chases Wickerbottom whilst being chased by Wolfgang and Wigfrid.


*be afraid of the dark*

Wilsons fire is about to go out, but then Willow comes with her lighter and saves him.

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Since putting Maxwell in the trailer is a little spoilery, as new folks wouldn't know he's playable if they're just picking this up/hearing about it now, my hope for grumpy Wilson cooperating with/sabotaging Maxwell, and vice versa, isn't likely, so perhaps Willow instead.


Maybe combine that with the original trailer, like Mobbstar said? Put gameplay in like that, but then the animated segments (like what they did for RoG) would be like Wilson and Willow cooperating grudgingly/sabotaging each other. No clue.

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I would just take the official trailer and change the footage for multiplayer footage.


Damn, it took me a long time, but I finally doodled something based on the original trailer. LINK


No secrets included, just tons of jackalopes.


I'm sorry for reviving a half dead topic. You are free to step on my toe, I deserve it.

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