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Whoops more pixel art.

Derse!Wilson and Derse!Willow for all your Starvestuck needs

(I just wanted to post something on my tumblr page hurr)

I'm really love your style, it's very simplistic and charming, in my opinion.

The characters look especially great in the Derse-dreamers drawing. I think it's magical!


Wolfgang and Wendy are Prospit-dreamers, I assume? *laffs*

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I'm really love your style, it's very simplistic and charming, in my opinion.

The characters look especially great in the Derse-dreamers drawing. I think it's magical!


Wolfgang and Wendy are Prospit-dreamers, I assume? *laffs*

Aww, thank you! ;;

I liked how the derse versions came out.

I was thinking Wendy and Wes since I'm terrible and drawing Wolfgang orz 

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Wendy: Wake up on Prospit


Much to your dismay, it appears that you are a PROSPIT DREAMER. You were informed by WILSON that based on your personality and dreams you were to be a DERSE DREAMER . It is a disappointment, but you must carry on.

You note how bright Prospit is. It's sickening, but leaves a numbing feeling in your heart. It reminds you of SOMETHING, you just can't think of what. 
You also note that you cannot see ABIGAIL and her FLOWER is missing from your SYLLADEX. 

Hopefully more exploring will provide some answers. 


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Wendy: Wake up on Prospit


Much to your dismay, it appears that you are a PROSPIT DREAMER. You were informed by WILSON that based on your personality and dreams you were to be a DERSE DREAMER . It is a disappointment, but you must carry on.

You note how bright Prospit is. It's sickening, but leaves a numbing feeling in your heart. It reminds you of SOMETHING, you just can't think of what. 


You also note that you cannot see ABIGAIL and her FLOWER is missing from your SYLLADEX. 

Hopefully more exploring will provide some answers. 

Well. I suppose Wendy being a Prospit dreamer and hating it is kinda amusing after all, heheh.

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