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Screen flashes cause containers to shut.

Kitty Cat Meow
  • Pending

Screen flashes cause any containers you are interacting with to shut,

This is because screen flashes put your character in complete darkness for a split-second.


Screen flashes are caused by lightning, explosives, and other flashy things.

Steps to Reproduce
1. Open a chest or other container. 2. Use TheWorld:PushEvent("screenflash", 1) to simulate a "screen flash". 3. Container will get closed. 4. Repeat steps 1 through 3, this time while holding a light source, Your container should not shut since you would not be in complete darkness.

User Feedback

I noticed this but thought it was a cool feature (not a bug) that the lightning startles and briefly distracts you from what you were doing.

Edited by HomShaBom

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